First , we had a talk in the school hall. We were told that there will be food and electricity rationing.
After that, it was back to study. But before long, we had the I.P.P Exercise. It stands for In Place Protection. We must off all electrical appliances including fans and lights. We used trash bags and masking tapes to "seal" up the windows and doors. Our teacher told us to seal up a part of the windows as it was only an exercise. We had to stay inside the stuffy classroom and wait for the all clear signal.
For recess, all the stalls were closed. Instead. we were given a coupon to get our 'ration'. Back in class, the electricity was cut off. We had to study in a hot, dim classroom. We were all sweaty and uncomfortable. This is a message to us that we should treasure what we have.
After all it was quite a fun day.