Thursday, September 15, 2011

In the Thick of Things

The weeks just past in a blur. It's week 6 now and what have I done? The nightmare has began when I saw all the due dates and the amount of projects I have to do. It's time to get into the thick of things.

I'm really not adapting well into University. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a "model" student. I never was and never will be. I hate to use the word, but I procrastinate too much. 'Tomorrow' is such a beautiful word. But, I can't stand last-minute work too.

I miss TP very much as well as my former group members. I miss the group meetings we had and the hours of discussions about business matters. If there is one thing I got out of University, it is that I finally know what I like.

I like the business viewpoint and how different companies use strategies to grow. I like the practicability of the business world. Above all, I miss the business projects in my entrepreneurship classes.

So then, the question is, did I regret taking Arts and Social Sciences? Perhaps regret is too harsh a word, although sometimes, I find myself questioning my choice. Ultimately, it's my choice.

I don't know if choosing Business Administration at SMU will mean that I will be happier because at that time, I feel jaded about continuing with business. I mean, I hate to go through Organisation Behaviour and Marketing all over again.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years On

A decade since the 9/11 attack in New York, USA. It was an event that changed the world and how terrorism had been such a direct hit to humanity.

A decade and the world isn't an easier place to live in.

So much had happen and yet nothing seem to have change. The world is facing an uphill task to combat terrorism and extremists. There is nothing more critical than the situation the world is facing now, what with the financial crisis and battle against terror groups.

I remembered I was in Primary 4 when the news first broke out. Like so many others, I watched in utmost shock at the captured scenes where the hijacked planes crashed into the twin towers and the subsequent collapses. It seemed like a bad dream then.

10 years on, I am Year 1 in University. The heartbreak of those who lost their love ones are still keen in their hearts and minds.

We should all take this special day to commemorate and remember those who lost their lives and sacrificed. It was a day of memorial.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Letting Go

Darn it. I've got to learn how to let go. I have to realise I can't get everything I want and that not everything has to go my way.

Why then is it so hard for me to do that? Hey, if there are people better than me, I've no problem letting them take charge. The problem arises when I know that I'm right and I have better ideas. My stakes are high and that's why I must make sure things are on the right track. It's hard to take a step back and look at the issue without a critical eye.

For some reason, some of the slogans that a group member suggests get on me. Having study tourism before and did projects on it, I have to say I have greater experience and knowledge on the topic. Afterall, my former group was steered to great results.

We'll see about this issue tomorrow. Hopefully, the group can choose something great and broad based. I hate to be the "bad guy".

Perhaps, there are times when I'll have to condescend. Sighs, this is not the way I want to do things but group work is all about give and take.

I miss my Poly project group more than ever when I see the depressing way I go about tackling projects at University. I don't know the different people well enough to have the right dynamics.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Week 5

So, it's week 5 since the start of University. Time sure pass by, but I still feel like it's only the beginning.

I feel like a zombie sometimes, just going through the paces. I don't know what is wrong but I don't feel like I am adapting as well as I should.

I miss the days where group project members are your friends as well and there are plenty of chances to have lunch and trade ideas together. Here, in University, group project members are merely acquaintances, whereby you meet a couple of times to get whatever projects done up. It's all for mutual benefit.

Tutorials are kind of drab. In Poly, one see the tutor once a week and the tutor are friendly as in you can always consult them. In University, there are classes where you see the tutor once a fortnight and it's very touch-and-go. It gives the feeling that you just can't wait for it to end.

Maybe I am jaded about school but I'll give in my best to make this work.