There is something terribly wrong with my school. I feel that they are not putting enough effort in the celebrations. We aren't allow to wear red and white to school on the eve of national day. The celebration is going to be boring, even the teachers say so. One teacher told us it is going to be "one-man talk", meaning there is going to be "lectures". What is this? It is the nation's birthday, why are the celebration lukewarm?
The same goes for our racial harmony day, the other schools allow their students to wear their races costumes while we can't. Not only that, the teachers made all sort of excuses why they don't let us wear. Besides we never really celebrated the day, we only saw a play and thats it. I still remembered the good old days in my primary school where we celebrated racial harmony day. I feel so ashamed, why this is happening to my school?
On a good note, I can get to enjoy 2 days of holiday. Tomorrow is going to be a half day for us, 9th and 10th are holidays.
Happy National Day! >.<