Saturday, February 07, 2009

BA2 test

I got back my BA2 night test results. Yay!

38/45, not bad at all, even if I say so myself.

Now, I've to do well for my end-semester exams to get my good GPA.

Next week will be a brilliant week, I guess. We'll be getting all our coursework grades which are part of the marks components.

My view

Another update recently in my life: The link is here:
See SK comment, that's written by me, obviously. What gives me the warm fuzzy feeling is that people (Singaporeans) actually like what I wrote! That really surprised me a lot. Read the others' comments too.

I've put one up, a longer version on Under the alias, Rose.

Read the whole comment here:

"Ahh, the sore spot. Do you know that literally anyone can be an author and write books? As long as one have imagination and able to dream, you can produce a book.

To have it published is another matter altogether. Then comes the ‘having readers’ for your book. You have to worry about critics and fans.

Do you want your book to seat on the shelves or flying off them?I respect authors because that’s something I’ll not become in my life. I don’t have the hard-heartedness that is needed when you become an author.

Since they are both in the same profession, I think it’s unwise and not very nice for King to say that about Meyer. It’s just like speaking ill of a co-worker, but in this case, they are probably rivals in the market.

We all have to admit, Meyer’s books sells, at least for now. What the future holds, no one knows(unless you are Alice).

Budding authors are appearing every day. Soon, their books may take over the popular ones now and vice versa. It’s a tough world out there.

Whoever says vampires burn instead of sparkle. Well, this is what I wrote when I saw an news article about this matter.

No one knows what a vampire looks like to begin with. So whether he/she should dressed in black cape and lingered around in back alleys or dressed in fashionable clothes and drive fast cars, no one knows. Unless, you met one before, but, then again, you probably won’t be here.

It’s the same case as aliens, are they supposed to have web-feet or 3 eyes and speak in gibberish? So, who is right and who is wrong? The same goes to wizards. Are they suppose to hold a wand and “wish” for something they want or do spells and hexes the hard way?

It’s fantasy. That’s why it appeals. In the fiction/fantasy world, anyone can be anything. It’s a world people escaped into, be it into one where you find your true love, or do spells and be the hero or get capture by out-of-the-world creatures.

Yes, Meyer’s books may not be that wonderful in the grammar/spelling aspect but that’s not really her fault is it? Who don’t make mistakes in their compositions and essays? While normal people can have spell check, she has an editor and publishing team behind her. Need I say more?

Also, someone says the story will be much more if another person thought it up. That’s the wonder of the mind and the way life goes. Life isn’t fair. If anyone can thought it up, who needs books? Everyone can sell and publish their own books by then.

PS: I’m way past the childish 12-year-old line."

This is what I wanted to add in regarding the issue, which I'll not bring up.

This situation is just like an actor who has acted in A-listed movies and gotten Oscars & Golden Globes before. He criticised this other actor, a budding one who has just acted in a couple of films and in the supporting roles. He also compared his acting skills to another actor, a slighter more experienced one who got nominated for prizes. Is the whole thing fair at all?

Yes, to be able to accept criticism is good, but one can be kinder in his words. Just because you are better in something you do, doesn't mean you can flaunt about it.

Besides, how in the world is Meyer's writing style related to him? He is nothing but a stranger. He's in no position to say who is good and bad.

I don't know if King has received any awards for that matter, but that's just an example.