"Time's fun when you are having flies"
"Holidays is a godsend"
Eeeek! One week left before 'my time is up'.
They say "time flies when you are having fun". Scary how time flies even if you are NOT having fun.
The holidays has been hectic, really. Sure, I read lots of novels. That's the part I enjoyed most, actually. Free to sleep late, wake up early, laze around and read for pleasure; basically just be a jellyfish for some part. I can ease my mind to think of trivial stuff, make up sequels for fanfics and novels, dream for a better part of my day. I can worry about how to get my hands on books and how to survive another day at work.
I don't have to worry constantly, having sleepless nights due to school and projects. I don't have to stress myself unnecessarily. Frequently, I give myself undue stress to pace myself. I work myself up in a frenzy to push myself along. I don't have to care for anything too tough. *Sighs*
That's the benefits of holidays. I can't believe I just realise it now. *Headdesk* Maybe it's due to working for 4 days a week this time round, leaving me with just 3 days of complete freedom that I've come to appreciate this godsend more.
Oh nooo, projects and more projects will be coming. I'm almost dreading the thought of returning to school. New classmates, again! Who knows if they will be good project mates? I don't want to end up with some people who are freeloaders or not serious at all, for god's sake. The eye-glaring problem is we aren't allow time to know each other better before being asked to form groups. How in the world are we going to know who is good?
This must be a conspiracy. Please don't tell me this is similar to workplace life. If that's true, what's with the grading, GPA and what not?
*Groans*, will this never ends?! Non, it'll never end, until 2011 rolls in... Just when I'm about to familiarise myself with people, change is a-coming...
Oh, please let my time-table be good, no long breaks within classes and I want to go home early, even for the sake for cash.