I feel like I couldn't be happy anymore.
When I look into the mirror, I saw a shell of my former self. I saw puffy eyes (because I kept crying at night), I have strands of white hair (whatever, I am growing old), I saw myself becoming old. I want to adopt the heck-care attitude, maybe I should bungee-jump or something.
All my life, I try and try to be the perfect person. I really bought into the idea of the Singapore Dream: "study hard, get good grades, get a good job". I put all my effort into the first two steps but I falter at the last and most crucial step. In retrospect, I should have endured and studied one more year in University to qualify for public-sector jobs. Well, that train has long since left.
I guessed I was lucky to be employed in a stable, low-stressed job for more than 5 years. It wasn't anything hard or stressful although the pay wasn't high. My boss is my former teacher and I think I thrive in that high autonomy work environment. Too bad she decided to close her business after all these years. I never want to stay forever, but my plan is to at least have a stable income during these uncertain times.
If there is anything I want to tell the younger generation, it is this; "good luck, you will need it. The job market is only going to get harder".