The day when Google was turned into Topeka, Leaky Cauldron turned into Gleeky Cauldron that supports the Glee Club.
The day when Twilight Lexicon was closed as the families had enough.
The day when Deathly Hallows was announced to be turned into a trilogy with Part 3 coming in 2013, J. K. Rowling decides to write about Elvendork (more popular than Harry Potter), Harry Potter books latest change of covers and new titles, Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme Park to expand in 3 area on Mugglenet.
What day was it? Fred and George’s birthday, of course!
Early in the morning on April 1st (GMT +8), I was on the prowl for April Fools jokes around the net. I wondered what Mugglenet and Twilight Lexicon had in store for us this year.
In the afternoon, there was a sign on Twilight Lexicon, Closed until Further Notice. That didn’t got me. I was prepared for anything they dished out. But great job, girls! A few people got tricked, I think. I always enjoyed the jokes on the Lex. Last year’s was fun as well as when the humans took over the Lex.
When I got home from work at night, I checked out Mugglenet for pranks. Immediately, I saw a post saying that J. K. Rowling is planning on writing a pre-prequel, on a character called Elvendork. It was said that it will more popular than Harry Potter. In my mind, I was thinking, “Cool, great.” And moved further down.
This news got me. Deathly Hallows to be turned into a trilogy?! With the last part out in 2013?! I was like “What the Holy is this?” I saw the number of comments on it and I thought that surely many fans will be outraged at Warner Brothers. Saw a couple of posts, and realised I was fooled.
I have to admit that was great! The “fan-gasm” and “picked up his Looney Tunes commemorative pen, and started pretending to throw Avada Kedavra spells at other studio's headquarters” didn’t register in my head for a second.
What made it more fun was the reactions that people had over the web. Oh my goodness, those reactions were hilarious and classic! Over at Facebook, people were so angry over the news! -
Mugglenet’s approach is smoother and sneakier. To think I was actually looking for pranks and I got pranked myself. Instead of changing the whole fansite, they put the jokes in the daily news.
The latest pranks included Harry Potter books having new covers and new titles and Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park expansions.
Goodness, I love the new titles and covers for Harry Potter! Harry Potter and the Super Cool Stone, who wouldn’t want that? The covers had me cracking up!
Wow, I enjoyed myself very much this year! Can't wait for next year's!
That's why I love the web and the world. Without it, can I imagine passing my time in my boring, old country? No, I doubt so. The sites are where I get my first-hand information on what is going on. I rely on them for entertainment and news coverage so much so that I can't leave them.
Once again, Happy Birthday Fred and George! Although, R.I.P Fred. Happy April Fools 2010!