Tell me again, why?
It's a torture, completely a torture. Projects are considered one of the worst.
You can't do without me, and dare I say, I can't do without you. So, let's endure for now and we never have to see each other again. Please, all I can do is to keep up this facade and once this is over, which is in less than a week, we'll shout hooray and see you.
Yes, I can't believe it is going to be over soon, like real soon. Why is it that the last few days are always the hardest? The hardest to pass and the hardest to let go.
Why is it that we never seem to learn our lesson? Time and again, last minute work occurs. WHY? I desperately want to change but it seem that more work just bog me down.
Because we are human, and humans never learn their lesson. If they do, the world will be a better place. Sometimes, I just wish we'll all disappear.