Sunday, February 21, 2021

Smiling Depression

This is just a collection of words that describe what I go through every day. Every day is a struggle for me. My emotions fluctuate wildly throughout the day and night. The only time I don't think about it is when I am asleep. 

Anhedonia - lost interest in activities they used to enjoy and have a decreased ability to feel pleasure.

After knowing I was being let go from my first job, I felt like a deflated balloon. Nothing else seems to cheer me up anymore. I couldn't even celebrate CNY properly. I forced myself to act normal and breakdown when I am alone at night. I must have cried for 6 times in 3 weeks. I know it is just a job and there will be many jobs to come, but it is what it is. I felt like I was forced to mature overnight with no room to breathe. 

Catastrophizing - a cognitive distortion that prompts people to jump to the worst possible conclusion, usually with very limited information or objective reason to despair. When a situation is upsetting, but not necessarily catastrophic, they still feel like they are in the midst of a crisis.

Passive suicidal ideationwishing you were dead or that you could die, but you don't actually have any plans to commit suicide. 

I am alive because I am scared of pain. Dying always seems painful and scary to me. Yes, I am a coward and couldn't even face death.

I am alive because of my family. I know they will be devastated. I know they must think that I am too naive, pampered and "haven't seen the real world yet" to have thoughts like this. 

I am alive because I don't want to be a bother and inconvenience others. The last thing I want is strangers fussing over me. 

I hate myself for having bad thoughts but I envy those who died young in freak accidents. One moment he/she was alive and the next moment, he/she was gone. Does it hurt to die like that, I would think to myself. Every morning I wake up and I wish I had died in my sleep. I wish I had a cardiac arrest and be gone in an instant. 

Will you miss me when I am gone?

When I am gone, I secretly hope someone will read my blog posts.

Maybe I also hope they will feel guilty for not taking me seriously before when I said I have depression and anxiety. I know they think I am kidding. I know they think I am too pampered.  I know they think I should get a real job. I know they think I had it good for 30 years with a closed-knit family, good food, hot showers, a bed to lie in and the occasional treats. 

I know they always say I should experience the "real world" as in "look at all those less fortunate and they can survive in this world so why can't you with all your luxuries?" Well, if only life works like that. 

I don't even mind getting Covid-19 now, to be honest. If it means I get to quarantine for 2 weeks and more, I will willingly sacrifice myself. 

I now know why people end their lives. I now know why people self-harm. I now know why people cannot see themselves being happy. Because I have become one of them. 

Maybe, who knows, one of these days I will become another statistic.