Sunday, October 10, 2010

Worldly Goods

Something got me thinking about what worldly goods I want this Christmas and further on. Surprisingly, nothing really catches my eye, yet.

I am eyeing for a Pandora bracelet for my graduation, as a graduation present. As for birthday, I'm hoping for something special.

I'm saving up for the trip to USA, of course. I want to shop and spend those well-deserved, hard earned money on what I like. I want to see what I having been waiting to see one year ago.

I know, money isn't easy to come by and yet, there is a part of me that crave for branded items. Not the really high end brands though, just a little higher than normal, if you know what I mean.

Birthday Celebration

It's been awfully long since I update on the brighter side of my life.

Last Sunday, 3th October, we celebrated my Grandfather's birthday at some Hong Kong styled restaurant.

I always look forward to these kind of gatherings and dinners because it means that we are still together, as a family. It makes me feel very blessed as we can shared such canon moments. It is also something to look forward as it means good food, well, more or less.