Yesterday was the second day back to school, or more appropriately, University. I would say it's quite anti-climatic. With all hype surrounding University, I had thought that things will be a little more "exciting" but no, it's just normal.
Perhaps, I will worry again when the tutorials start proper. Afterall, projects are a big deal and I am really scared that I will end up with less-than stellar group members.
A friend told me that University can be lonely and I can see why. There is no fixed class, therefore, a friend for this tutorial does not mean she will be there for the other tutorial. We are all drifting souls, going from one place to another.
I realise that since the end of Polytechnic, I have been worrying non-stop throughout the months of holidays.
First, I worried about not getting offers from Universities. Then, I worried about whether I made the right choice in not choosing SMU Business. After which, I worried about whether Arts and Social Sciences is a good choice and whether the major I intended to do would be a good track for me. Now, I have to worry about all sorts of miscellaneous stuff; group members, exams, projects, tutorials, locations for classes, printing services etc.
I admit I am a worrier and I will get wrinkles sooner or later. I've been wound too tightly for years.