Looking back at the last 3 days, it has been some brain cells-frying days.
Seriously, MBS paper was quite tricky in a way the MCQs were like crap. Options are A and B are correct, A and C and D are correct etc, should only appear at least twice. But no, it has to be for most questions.
I know that A is definitely correct, but am not sure about the rest, how in the world am I going to answer these MCQs? In the end, I just used my intelligence thinking.
B+ should be alright, I really hope.
HRM paper was quite easy though. My hand cramped and my handwriting was bad. The 'S' looks like a wriggle or a 'C' by the time I did the short-essays. Like any other paper, I did not remembered everything but I tried my best.
Today's Business Finance is a killer, for my body and my mind. Adrenaline just pumped into my blood as minutes ticked by and I had a panic attack last night. I slept around 12 plus because I was looking through past year papers.
This is the first time I did something like that because I desperately want to get an A. Not B or B+.
The paper was OK overall. I didn't remembered everything but did some trial-and-error. In my sub-conscious, I knew that this is over that, just not sure enough.
Oh well, 2.1 grades will be out on 10th September. Wow, I can hardly wait. I'll be dreading and anticipating it at the same time. 2 As, 2 B+ and 1 B is the target if I want to maintain my GPA of 6.3.
I promise myself if I get my targeted grades for 2.1 and 2.2, I'll purchase the Slytherin tie I've been wanting. It's clearly a want for I've no use for a tie, I don't even use tie as an accessory. I need an incentive to get the tie from USA and wear it for the premier of Deathly Hallows part 1 and 2. It's so lovely but extravagant.
Now that holidays are here, I have lots of things to do. Went to the library on my way home. Finally, I can replenish my brain cells by doing light reading.
I was not in a good mood earlier after seeing the TNS 3-day-stay itinerary. Suddenly, I don't feel like attending it. Gods knows what I'm thinking when I submit the form.
Maybe, it's due to the fact that I want to visit my secondary school on Monday because of teachers' day celebrations, but I'll need to get permission to leave early from the stay. Besides, I'll need to get friends to return with me. *Sighs*, this is enough to give me a bad mood and a headache. I really want to go back... Or maybe it's because I just don't like having to draw lots for room-mates. For goodness sake, this is an informal event.
Then again, perhaps, I shouldn't read too much into it.
My first week of holiday is packed full of stuff. Tomorrow I'm going to Borders with a friend. On Saturday, I'll be going for the TNS. On Wednesday, I'll be attending the class chalet. On Thursday, I'll be going to start work.
Not sure I like my holidays to be productive. I'd rather be a jellyfish for that short while.