New Moon movie is totally awesome! I enjoyed it, very much!
Chris Weitz has managed to capture the essence of the story which CH failed to do in the prequel. Kudos to him! I was a little shocked at the number of scenes and dialogue they managed to keep true to the book this time round.
So, the dialogue may be moved around a little and I admit that some dialogue in the book is pretty lengthy and boring for a movie. I understand the need for cuts and am quite pleased with the additional scenes they threw in.
The movie was faithful to the book and I'm extremely thankful for that.
The opening dream sequence was great. The breakup scene was painful to watch and the reunion at Italy was beautiful.
The cliff-diving and the conversation between Bella and ghostly Edward were great. That is one of my favourite parts in the book. I'm just disappointed that Bella didn't scream when she is going down. I like the "fire in the water" scene when Victoria was coming towards Bella.
The part on the October-November-December montage was amazing. That together with the Kristen Steward's acting was excellent.
I thought the effects of the wolves are a little too fake but the fight scene between wolf-Jacob and wolf-Paul was well-done. The snarling and growling and dirt-flying really appeals to me.
I didn't particularly like the fight scene with the Volturi because it seems over the top. Edward and Alice would want to prevent things from going ugly and Aro wouldn't have a fight out-front.
I do the like the effects of Edward's ghostly forms. Somehow, it's more suited to have a form than just a disembowelled voice warning Bella in the movie.
The relationship between Bella and Jacob was nicely explored but I wish they would show them having a walk, doing their homework etc. The dream catcher he made for Bella was a nice addition to the story as it relates to the nightmares faced by her.
There are a couple of things that I wish the producers could have left in. For example, Bella's screaming as she jumped, Bella screaming Edward's name as she ran through the throngs of people at Volterra, Edward saying "Carlisle is right" and the quote from Romeo, Bella thinking she was dead when she returned to Forks (that would make things light) and Edward's voice asking Bella to "be happy" when Jacob is about to kiss her. Nothing fanciful, probably wouldn't take more than a couple of minutes but it will convey more messages.
The raw emotions present in the movie was spot-on.
Kristen Steward's portrayal of Bella was so much better this time. Her expressions and acting has much improved since Twilight the movie. I can really feel her pain and agony as she passed the time without Edward by her side. Her screams at night was what made my eyes leaked.
Even Robert Pattinson's Edward was pretty good. The wretched look and air around the normally composed Edward was nicely played out. Furthermore, he only appeared minimally in the movie.
Taylor Lautner's washboard abs is Wow! It really shows his dedication for the movie franchise by the way he buffed up the last few months. I do love his portrayal of Jacob. He made the whole personal sun thing very believable.
The supporting cast were all great too. The wolf pack guys are kind of cute. Michael Sheen as Aro was pretty creepy and Dakota Fanning's Jane is evilly awesome. I do love Billy Burke's Charlie as the awkward father-figure.
I like the colours used in this sequel. It is so much better than the blue tint in Twilight the movie.
The soundtrack and accompanying music was lovely. It suits the ups and downs of the movie.
I didn't really like the way things end off but I can get over it. The closing line of "Marry me" do sets things nicely for Eclipse, now that I think of it. But, I wish that Bella could have said "OK, what's the punch line?"
Overall, the whole movie was tastefully done and it is indeed a movie made for fans. Chris Weitz did not disappoint when he sent that letter to Stephenie Meyer saying he would make a movie faithful to the fans and the book.
Thank you, Chris Weitz and the team who is responsible behind this creation! My scepticism about him is unfounded. I don't believe that I wanted CH to stay on. I can still remember the fears fans had when it was announced he was to be director for NM as his last movie was not up to standards in many people's eyes.
It is truly marvellous and I can't wait for David Slade's vision. He has an eye for beauty and abstract art and I look forward to seeing my favourite book bought to life.
"People from the two ends of Singapore, get together at the centre for a common purpose."
Purely by coincidence, my brothers and I wore red. I told my cousin we are celebrating St. Marcus Day too. My cousin had her NM shirt on, while I wore my self-made Bella’s bracelet with a crystal heart and silver wolf pendant.
How wonderful, it was like an itinerary was made for me yesterday.
I completed my test by 5.00pm and left school for Marina Square. My cousin and brothers arrived at nearly the same time as I did and we went to collect tickets by 6.00pm.
The counter-person nearly gave me a heart-attack saying that there was no such booking, but it’s his fault for not listening to me properly. We went for dinner at KFC and I had a second look at my potential Christmas present at Esprit.
We were in the theatre by 6.55pm and the advertisements began. The whole theater was full, as expected. I was continuously talking to my cousin about all twilight related stuff and what I hope to see.
The movie began and I was deeply moved and pleased by Chris Weitz’s work.
The cinematography was really well-done.
The emotions on screen are oh-so bittersweet and spot-on.
Too bad, my bladder can’t take it 30 minutes into the show, and I took off to the toilet. I think I missed Quil’s appearance, according to my cousin.
2 hours and 10 minutes passed all too quickly and it was time to be back on Earth. Thanks, cousin! For the lovely time we shared.
I really do want to view it again but it’s wasteful. I’m definitely getting the special edition DVD when it is out in the States. I look forward to the deleted scenes.
Eclipse is less than 7 months away, at least in USA. I wonder when will be the release date in Singapore.
It definitely sets the bar high for David Slade. I hope the negotiations for Breaking Dawn get done soon and please get Chris Weitz back for BD!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shoots! I can't get to sleep yesterday night as my mind was running a marathon with all the thoughts about what I am going to jot down and my feelings for NM.
I can't believe that this morning, I awoke, feeling very unrested, only to have my thoughts erase from my mind! Argh! All the things I tried hard not to think last night was gone when morning came.
I was hoping for some inspiration when I am writing this. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with the ways things turn out, except that this is not my best potential.