Went for the showing of Alice in Wonderland 3D from Tim Burton at Jurong Point's Golden Village.
It was sort of a last minute decision. We were asked by my cousin whose family were going for the movie at 1.30pm. In the end, the three of us went alone via MRT since the parents had to go for the travel briefing by Chan Brothers.
We were seating quite near to the screen. Put on the 3D glasses when the trailers started and realised that the glasses were flickering and just plain weird by showing an array of colours when viewed. And there were no 3D effects. I was a bit sceptical then but chose to ignore it. I had enough after a while and asked for my cousin's pair to try on.
Hers were so clear! I decided to change mine before the movie started. The person told me the glasses were probably out of battery. Ahh, this second pair were much better. All the better to enjoy the movie with.
The movie is superb! I love the visual effects and the whimsical feel to it. It's truly a Tim Burton's film, what with his special touch and perspective. Just the right amount of humour that is entirely Tim Burton's.
Although, the film does not focus specifically on Alice's adventures from the first book we all knew, it was still awesome. Tim Burton said it was not a sequel, and was an adaptation from the Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass books.
The veteran actors and actresses were great in their roles. But, like many others, I feel that Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal of the Red Queen is deliciously evil and funny. Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter deserves a recognition too. Other notable actors/actresses are Anne Hathaway (White Queen), Alan Rickman (who lends his voice to the Caterpillar), etc.
The movie is even better in 3D, in my humble opinion. I know, more and more films are coming with 3D to tempt the viewers and increase the size of their wallets. It's more expensive for the viewers too. Sighs, it's not possible for me to keep going for 3D movies.
I would love to see the movie again, on DVD. Except it will be without the 3D glasses. Not that I love those glasses. They are heavy and because I'm wearing my own glasses, it can't seat comfortably. Throughout the whole movie, I had to use my hands to keep the 3D glasses on. It will be totally great if the 3D glasses evolute into a lighter, better adjusted glasses which will be well-suited for all viewers.
Well, that concludes the Alice in Wonderland 2010 review.