Ahhh, this feeling of weirdness inside me.
The semester will end on Thursday, after the interview role-play and quiz. On one hand, I'm very glad that the term will end very soon. On the other hand, I will miss this semester.
I don't know, unlike other semesters, this has got to be the best and the worst. It is like a love/hate relationship, non?
The team dynamics have been more than great but the stress levels I felt is way too high. I wouldn't want to say I miss what I experienced because I'm happy to get rid of it. I have had fun this semester and it makes me nostalgic.
I feel "off" this semester, like I'm too strung-up, or is that my New Year resolution taking place?
I'm grateful and fortunate to get pretty good and approachable tutors/lecturers. Or perhaps, I am a little bias in this aspect since they have been good with our projects and grades. I can only hope that my remaining semesters teachers will be as well as them.
Suddenly, it seems I'm thrust into the big, wide world. All those late nights mugging for projects and more projects, then, all of a sudden, I'm free! The feeling is strange. I have so much time on my hands.
Ha, those extra effort out into projects are going to be worth it. The tutors seem kind of impressed with what we have. All I know is that SME will give me an A, well, unless they moderate the marks. I'll scream if I get a Z.
I don't want to speculate much before the results. Lest I jinx it. Oh, the agony, to have to wait about one month before I can get the grades for this semester. At least 4 As, with my fingers crossed.
I'll be making the most of my holidays. I plan to start water-painting and doing my countdown clock. But, right now, I just want to relax and clear my brain. And my brain is dead, indeed. I can't think or wish to do anything at this moment.
I have strong wishes to go on a vacation... However, it is falling short. Still, I will hold on to that hope.
Chinese New Year is just around the corner. As much as I said that I felt no spirits for it, after shopping and going out on Saturday, I felt so much better. I can hardly wait for it! New clothes, hanging out with family, maybe for a movie or two, who doesn't like that?
Finger crossed for my interview.