Monday, December 01, 2008

Ramblings & 16th quote

Hmm, there's this quote from Eclipse that is very appropriate for use. But to find it, I have to wait till tomorrow.

Had French lecture today so, was quite late when I reached home. I really hate coming home late. Everything will be packed into that 2 or less hours before I went to bed. Eat a late dinner, bathe, use the laptop...

My father will be arriving at Singapore soon. Probably somewhere over the sea.

Twilight has the most number of good quotes but Eclipse's got to be the one with the most number of funny/sweet moments and lovely quotes as well. I'll find them out and post them here after 18th of December, I guess.

Twilight is number 1 for the 4th week running, on the top 10 books "children" bought. This is according to the numbers of books sold provided by the various bookstores in Singapore. Yay!
Though, it's weird how Eclipse is not selling that well. Eclipse is the best book out of the 4 novels!!

16th quote:
“Besides friends don’t let friends drive drunk.”
“You’re intoxicated by my very presence.” ~Twilight, Pg 284, paperback