On Saturday, together with my father and brother, I went to the biannual Singapore Airshow 2012 at Changi Exhibition Centre. I'm not a plane enthusiast per say and I have my own reasons for wanting to go. I've been hearing stories about how there will be lots of souvenirs and giveaways from the different exhibitors and so, being the enthusiast in all things knick-knack, I naturally cannot miss out this opportunity.
It was raining quite heavily on the way there and I was praying so hard for it to stop so that we can fully enjoy the afternoon. Thankfully, it did stop raining when we arrived. We parked the car at Terminal 3 and went to the shuttle buses area. I was pleasantly surprised by how efficient the service was. There was almost a continuous supply of SMRT buses ferrying the passengers to and fro. As a result, the bus we took was not very crowded which is great.
Maybe it was the rain, or maybe it was in the afternoon, but it wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. I did enjoy it though, because it means that we have more personal space.
The aerial show display was the highlight, of course. I managed to snap some pretty pictures of the RSAF display and my favourite, the Australia Roulettes. Again, thanks heavens that the rain stopped just in time for the flying display.
We didn't have any chance to go up to the Singapore Airlines Boeing 747 or any of the planes on display because the queues were simply too long. The exhibition hall was really huge and it was a pity that I didn't manage to collect lots of souvenirs. I did get one collar-pin though.
As the event came to a close, we went to the merchandise booth and I bought the mascot toy after some deliberation.
It was a wonderful day and I looked forward to the show in 2014, only this time, I want to be there throughout the day to fully enjoy the event.