Thursday, May 06, 2010

At My Fingertips, Not

"The world is not enough"

Oh god, this is bad, very bad, indeed.

Today, I met a lecturer who taught Managing SME last semester, he asked me how was I and I replied OK. But, it's not alright. Next time someone ask me how am I, I'm so going to reply "Still surviving".

I asked him about the Internship and he said I was "pretty good in the listings" and if I write to the companies, I'll have a good chance of landing a post. Sigh, but that's not the point.

The deadline will be here soon, and this Internship business is driving me crazy. H***, I was not even thinking too much into it in the first place! When everything ends, I don't want to feel let down by my own decision or lack of.

I'm going to dissect his words. What did he mean by "pretty good in the listings"? So, am I better than the others but not quite there yet? Yes, that must be it. I need to push myself further, it seems. Still, I take it as a compliment. God knows when I ever receive one in all my school life.
In Primary School, I was "Blah", in Secondary School, I was "Meh", then in Poly, something change. I'm not sure what. I was given a chance to shine and I did it unknowingly.

Speaking of past lecturers to my friend makes me think of some of what I considered the best teachers I had in the last semesters, namely Economics, Business Accounting 2, SME.
Which brings me to another point, I'm not happy with the lecturers/tutors this semester. They are seriously boring and strict with no hint of lightness in them. It's like they exist just to go through the paces.