Monday, December 15, 2008

Twilight-related news, love actually, the tales of Beedle the Bard

Hmm, something unexpected cropped up. I'm afraid that my plans for Thursday will be affected. Well, we'll have to see about it.

Only 3 more days to Twilight movie's official opening in Singapore! Yes, I'm excited. My high expectations for the movie had decline quite a long time ago, things happened. Fans alike gave their thoughts, I read them, prepared myself and that's that. Nonetheless, whatever low ratings people and critics gave the movie, I have not watch it, so, I can't say whether that is true.

To me, low ratings is not equal to bad movie. A movie can have high ratings but it may not attract much attention or receive good profits. Look at what Twilight movie gets, bad ratings, tons of criticism, and where did it stand now? One of the highest grossing movies in 2008. Furthermore, there are still so many countries that the movie has not been released. It'll be huge.

What made it big and successful? Fans, of course. Fans decide whether it will be huge or not. In the end, ratings is just a stepping stone. One only cares about ratings when one has no interest in a movie. Like me, if I have no care or no interest in a movie, I'll go and be bothered by the ratings.
Frankly, a lot of movies depend on the fan-based audience. Who else will go watch a movie twice, 3 times or more?

I'm not saying Twilight movie is perfect, it is actually less than perfect. The book is another universe altogether. Many parts can be improved with a bigger budget.

I'll kept this in mind when I'm going to watch the movie. Whatever, as long as I keep an open-mind, everything will be fine.
Watched 'Love Actually' yesterday night. This was the 3rd time I am watching it. I promised that this year, if Love Actually came out again, I'll finished watching it. But, there's still half an hour left to the show. I went to sleep at 1am and woke up late today.

Oh well, either I'll wait again for next year or just ask my father to buy it the next time he go overseas. That's actually a good idea. I should have thought of it earlier.

I've finished reading The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K Rowling. It is a great little novel, or should I say, "fairy-tales" for wizards. I enjoyed it very much. My favourite's got to be the tale of 3 brothers. It is the tale inside Deathly Hallows that has helped Harry Potter. I love Dumbledore's comments at the end of each tale.