"The problem with a rat race is that even if you win the race, ultimately, you're still a rat"
How true is that? I just love that quote. It's said by someone, I can't find the name, and is found inside the Strategic Entrepreneurship book.
But, I rather be a winning rat than a loser who is a rat.
Huh? 18 going on 19 and already wary (weary) of the world. With 2 days left to go, I can't help but feel squeamish.
Don't everyone? As one gets older, uncertainty and insecurities set in. One realised that the world still turns even if you are left behind.
Is 19 too young a age to notice these things and worry? I've always been the worrier and dreamer. I have lofty goals and dreams but with a side of practicability.
I can't seem to get myself happy these days. Perhaps everything will change for the better when SIP ends. Then, I can get ready for the final leg and work on making my trip a reality.
Ahh well, got to get my act together. Didn't I come this far?