Saturday, October 15, 2011

Crunch Time

When Life gives you lemons, what will you do? Will you make lemonade? Or will you throw the lemons back?

Once again, it's that time of the school term where things get piled up and you have to do whatever it takes to clear them. It's crunch time.

There's a ball of sunshine waiting for me on the other side, but I have to cross the hurdles first. I have to get over the painful parts before getting the reward. Gosh, the phrase "so near yet so far" has never been more true than this.

Next week is the worst of the lot. On Monday, I've to hand up Social Work reflection paper. On Tuesday, it's History essay. On Friday, I've a term test for South Asian Studies which is drab. The following Monday, there's Social Work group project to be handed up.

Out of the four, the ones I'm most worried about is the group project because we have not FREAKING started! I'm wondering if I associate myself with the wrong group. I thought they are pretty OK people, but last minute work is not my cup of tea.

There is barely a week left, oh god.