Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Ramblings, Rantings & 15th quote

So, I'm now looking through the PowerPoint slides of the culture of France. There's a French quiz tomorrow and questions will be from the slides, I guess.

Oh dear, it's like history lessons again. I really hope that those important dates won't be tested, I can hardly remember them. But France's history is easier because we only need to learn the basics.

France and its people invented a lot of useful stuff, like the bikini, bicycle, sewing machine, hot air balloon, Braille, Metric system, etc.
Do you know that a bikini is not considered a bikini unless it could be pulled through a wedding ring?

We also learn about street culture of France, famous French people (Victor Hugo and Marie Curie) and entertainment in France.
Cancan was founded in France. Cabarets like Moulin Rouge, The Crazy Horse, Le Lido de Paris remains popular with tourists until now. It's very expensive to dine and watch a show at these places though. It would caused about S$ 100+ - 200+.

Victory Day 1945 was celebrated to make the victory of the Allied Powers in WW2. France celebrate its national day on the 14th of July each year.

Wish me luck on my quiz.
I know this is selfish of me and everything but I can't help to feel that the lesser the popularity Twilight saga gets, the better it is. Twilight the movie is getting bigger in Singapore and I don't like it. Various sources of media are giving free tickets to previews and such.

This feeling is like having your secret shared to everyone. It's no longer that exclusive and special.

But, since this will help Stephenie Meyer rise in ranks of best-selling authors then I have nothing to say. Whatever is good for Stephenie Meyer, is good for us, fans.

Actually, it's the books that matter most to me. The movie is just a branch out of the whole apple tree. I stay true and loyal to the books.

I shouldn't be feeling this way, should I? I should be happy that twilight saga is getting the (good) attention it deserves.

It's just that some of these people aren't even reading the books, yet watch the movie ( and dare to pick on it). They just saw it as the latest "in" thing.

Gah, whatever.

On another note, it's great to see the message boards in twilightlexiconblog.com again. All those fans with their creative banners, avatars and quotes, who have witty minds. I like looking at their posts on the threads.

15th quote:
“Do I dazzle you?”
“Frequently” ~Twilight, pg 168, paperback