There are somethings I don't like in my school.
First, even if it was a rainy day, so long it did not rain at the time we need to assemble at the "parade square", we were to sit on the wet ground. At times, it just stop raining a few minutes ago, and we still must sit or squat on the floor. It is digusting, and the skirt takes a long time to dry. At the very least, they should let us stand throughout the assembly or go to the hall for assembly.
Second, from tomorrow onwards, nobody is to open the classrooms at the beginning of the day. Before, the chairman of the class can take the keys and open the classroom to let the classmates in. This is good as those whose parents need to go to work early, can stay in the class and do homework. There are many students who come to school early, some as early as 6.30 am. What will they do if the classrooms are not open?
I, personally reach school at 7, which is still quite early. I hate to have to wait in the canteen or anywhere else. The classroom gives me a sense of security because only my classmates can come in.
This "new rule" will take place until the end of the term. The reason behind this rule is that we always came down late for assembly. The teachers had enough, thus this new rule is born... Apparently, this will prevent such things from happening again. Wonder if it is true....
( 1 more day till exam)
lWish Me Luckl