Life is just peachy, isn't it?
I've endured for years, now that there's only months to go, why is it that I suddenly feel that things are hard to get along?
Graduation Day 2010 is in my school and this brought out a torrent of emotions in me. For one, I can't wait to graduate and put the full-stop in this chapter of my life. It has gone on for long enough and it's time to let go.
I won't go so far to say that I won't miss the times I have in Poly. Sure, there are moments I treasured and loved. But, unfortunately, that is far and between.
I want to wear the graduation robes and get my diploma. I want that experience and memory.
You know, for someone who grab hold on the past and the mundane so tightly, it is funny how I can let things go just as quickly. I like the predictable, the simplicity. I hate changes. But, oh, what wouldn't I give to experience something so wondrous and strange and unique!
It has always been my dream to study overseas, be it sooner or later. I want to travel, to see what I've seen on clips and articles.
Yes, I have good days and bad days. Everything else just falls in between. There are days when I feel as if life is just plain meaningless. Why do we work so hard for? Is it for glory? Is it to fulfil your materialistic gains? Because, ultimately, everything will end. Whether you are high up in the corporate ladder or just another man on the streets, everything will come to an end.
However, it boils down to one thing. Do you want to be the loser or the winner or at least be able to answer to yourself?
Despite sounding so depressing, I wouldn't worry for myself. Let's just say writing all these is a way to release my stress. Besides, there are things I've yet to do. Places yet to be travel. Movies yet to be watched. Books yet to be read. Entertainment yet to be seen. Goals yet to be fulfilled.
I may be a greater fool but I've not lose my mind.
Let us rewind back to school stuff. Semester 3.1 only has a word to describe it. Bad. Real bad. I can't wait for it to end and Semester 3.2 to come and go. Then, I'll be out in the lonely and cruel world. Just peachy, as I said.
Semester 3.1 is bad in so many ways. The lecturers, the subjects, the projects, the feel of things. Everything is just "off". Or is it me who is "off"? Perhaps I'm working on a different wavelength
from others.
Ha, I have yet to even see and experience a quarter of the real world but it seems I can be really insightful when I want to.
I've still a long, long way to go but I'm weary.
Anyway, as they put it, "when Life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand chocolates."