Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hmm, nothing eventful to post...Same old tutorials, boring lectures...
But, I want to have my 200th post on the day I received Breaking Dawn.
It's been confirm, I will be getting Breaking Dawn paperback version. Sigh, what to do? Maybe, next time I will get the hardcover version, just for fun.
Don't mind the countdown to the release of Breaking Dawn because, one it's USA time zone and two, Breaking Dawn is scheduled to release on 4th of August in Singapore instead of 2nd.
CSA lessons have been on Flash. Don't know what sparks the interest in me to explore flash myself since I'm not strong in the computer subject. I even went to download the trial version. It's quite fun though I only know the very basics. I can create twinkling stars and fireworks.
Exams will be upon us very soon. Got to buck up, I don't set high goals, just As and Bs is enough.
Been keeping contact with my friend in LA, California. Her school term has not started yet.