Below are pictures of my manicure. I find it very nice although it seems a little too overdo. I loved the simple design when the flowers were stick. But after the tiny"jewels" were added, it was a bit too much. There was a minimum of 5 tiny "jewels" per finger.
I love the matte silver with pink sparkly tip, (I should not have request for the sparkles to be more subtle) and the flower nail art.
Oh well, this is simply a once in a blue moon thing. I won't say how much the manicure cost, let's just say it's very expensive. And, my cousin paid it for me. So, thanks very much.
I will be reluctant to clean my fingers after (a week?)
Oh, have to wake up extra early tomorrow. Hoping to take some pictures on my own.
PS: I've updated my previous entry, now titled Epiphany (take 2).