Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Despite my own misapprehension, I would like to think that I can work wonders too. I would like to give myself the benefit of doubt too.
I should think everyone desires that. I may be sceptical of what they say, but deep inside, I would like to think that it will truly benefit me.
I want to see results in the long term. The way some lecturers put it, the subject we are taught now will have great cause to our future. Don't be mistaken, I've no doubts that things will work out, if you truly put your heart into it. I guess I'm just worried that I can't work it out now.
And whether it will be of use to us next time, let me just get pass this round first.
I'm, of course, talking about Strategic Entrepreneurship.
Blah, blah, blah, the lecturer goes. Nonetheless, I don't deny he has good intentions in mind. Perhaps I can't feel it now, but when I look back in the future, I would want to think of fond memories. Let's not make things worst the way they are. I want the memories to be of goodness.