So, this is the novel in question.
Was it only me who doesn't appreciate the cover? I don't know, the cover of hard-naked man suggests that it's one of those steamy novels I saw on the Romance shelves. Of course, like the saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover". This is indeed so here.
I much prefer the covers of the first 3 books.
I must say, Christian's and Emma's story is fast becoming my favourite in all of Cindy Miles' novels. Spirited Away is still my top favourite though.
This is a lovely, lovely PG-rating novel! The story is so heartrending and filled with hilarious moments at the same time.
I especially love the return of previous characters from previous novels. The Dreadmoor gang (my favourite), the Munros, etc. Jason of Dreadmoor has been and still is my favourite! Woo! I enjoyed his parts in this story very much. I can't help but wish that I can hear more about Tristan and other members.
And the way the castle and mist in Wales are describe in the book, wow! It just makes me want to visit Wales... *Sighs*
Christian is a very likable character, like the rest of the male protagonists in previous books. Twelve-century, a ghost (for a better part) and full of chivalry, who doesn't like that? Emma is a great character too.
The plot is wonderful in here, lovers being reunited every 72 years only to fail to be together is refreshing. I feel that the author has improved since Spirited Away.
Thirteen Chances is a good read, sweet and touching with humour mix in. A combination I can't resist.
Can't wait to see what else she's got to offer.
Woohoo! I finally got my hands on Thirteen Chances by Cindy Miles! And it's all due to sheer luck and some perseverance. Alright, so I haven't tried 13 times but I certainly did make useless trips to Kinokuniya and Borders. Yesterday morning , I went to see the dermatologist at Novena medical centre with my father and than I left for Orchard while my father went to work. I went traipsing from Borders at Wheelock Place to Kinokuniya at Takashimaya. My destination to be was actually Kinokuniya because I wanted to order some novels. Yes, I was planning to order in Thirteen Chances. However, I decided to make a trip to Borders first. I don't know what prompt me to do that but it certainly was right. Searched for it under the new releases section to no avail. I was going to give up when I went further down the aisle to the Romance section and 'lo and behold!', 2 copies of Thirteen Chances are sitting on the shelf! I was grinning to myself as I check the book for defects. Happily paid for it. Oh well, Borders may mark up the prices but I'm willing to pay a little more if it means I can get my books on the spot. I may be the customer and have every right to choose which bookstore to patronise but what's a girl to do when only one bookstore offers the coveted novel. Walked to Kinokuniya and double-checked the shelves. Already I knew the chances of them to update their shelves are minimal, however, I can't help but to check again. No such luck. Placed an order for two of Lynn Kurland's novels with the staff. It felt good and at the same time, I felt a little guilty. To add to my defense, the only things in life I indulge in are branded ice-cream, chocolates and books and some other stuff. Besides, I just got my pay and I haven't treat myself for that traumatic experience, nevermind that I'm suppose to save all...Went home and started reading Thirteen Chances. I'll do a review for it in another entry.