Saturday, June 05, 2010

Eclipse Posters

-Eclipse official poster-
-Fan-made posters-

Disclaimer: None of these posters belong to me.
Now, let's see. I figured I would do a "New Moon" and put up an entry on posters (fan-made and official) for Eclipse the movie.
The first on top of this list of Eclipse the movie posters is the official one used for the promotion.
I've been wanting to say this for quite some time, but never have the chance of doing so until now. It's quite plain, in my opinion. Other than the colour tones used, I don't really like the poster. It says nothing of the plot of the story and they looked too photoshopped.
The designers really need to step up on their work, as echoed by many other fans.
Showcase something dramatic, something pivotal in the plot. Asking the 3 main actors to pose like that did nothing to arouse any fancy.
If I am someone who is not a fan, I wouldn't even bat an eyelid when I see the poster.
The rest of the posters below are fan-made and they are my personal favourites after looking through the net for them.
Of course, people are more agreeable and forgiving where fan-made stuff are concerned. Firstly, they are made by fellow fans who love the series enough to do that. Secondly, for all we know, they are not professionals and did them during their free time.
Besides, these are the real good ones, even looking more professional than the official one. So, they still used photoshop, but at least these look more authentic and original.
I'm so excited for the movie! It's my favourite book of the series and judging from the early review I read, it looks to be really awesome! Both in the romance and action parts. Wow, I hope David Slade really delivers.

Movie Outing & Musings

Went for a movie with my friend who is back from the States on Friday.
Too bad I had work or else we could have gone further places. But as it was, we just went to Causeway Point to catch Shrek Forever After in 3D at 11.50am.
It is a fun film though I didn't catch the prequels in the theaters. The 3D effects are great!
After the movie, we went for lunch at Crystal Jade before parting our ways because I had to go back.
"Begin each day by telling yourself: Today, I shall be meeting with interference, ingraditude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will and self-fishness - all of them due to the offenders' ignorance of what is good or evil"

It's almost too easy to forget that I still have a daunting task in front of me whenever the holidays roll in. It is too easy to put the thought of school aside when you don't have to be physically there. Like the the old adage; out of sight, out of mind.
I don't have to pretend and put on a false front everyday. I don't have to grit my teeth to go with the flow. Most importantly, is what I don't want to put here. If you think I am happy in school, you have another one coming.
No, I'm not. Not for once. Perhaps only on a few occasions. Say, when the projects end and when I get back my good results.
In the holidays, I can actually be happy for once. More so now.
I'm thinking of starting another more personal blog post in another place. Somewhere where I can actually write what I want to say.
That's that.