Monday, September 17, 2007

Prelims--brief 3

Today's Biology paper was not bad. Well, I had a slight advantage over the others since I got to know the questions for the essays 1st. But it was because I asked, too bad for those who didn't. Still, that doesn't meant anything, because in the end you have to memorise in order to pass.
The short-answers questions were quite alright. My Biology teacher made it sound so bad that day... There were just some questions that required more in-depth thinking. B3 should not be a problem, I hope. However, whatever marks I get here don't matter, ultimately, it is the O levels results people see.
Last Thursday's combined science practical exam was a little tad difficult. Not in the doing sense, but it required thinking skills. I couldn't get the nitrate from one solution and I even did it twice. The only problem was that I didn't smell it.
Tomorrow is Biology practical exam. I'll just be reading through some notes like food tests and drawings.
Wish me luck, I need it