Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Updates, NM movie & 14th quote

Today's quiz on France culture was easy! I think I can get full marks.

Here's the quote that I wanted to use to describe my "situation" now.

"I felt like someone had kicked my legs out from under me. The weeks of stress, of worry... somehow in the middle of all my obsessing over the time, my time has disappeared. My space for sorting through it all, for making plans, had vanished. I was out of time. And I wasn’t ready." ~Eclipse

What I'm facing now is not exactly like what the quote says. But, I'm running out of time. I wasn't ready for the mid-semester tests next week. Furthermore, I really like the quote, so I put it here. Note: No one is giving me pressure, it's just me, putting stress on myself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
New Moon movie:
Please, for the Quiluete tribe changing in wolves form, do not do what the director had done in Harry Potter and PoA. See Remus Lupin's werewolf form. I really hated that. It's like wearing a bad Halloween costume. It's almost like a parody.

Jacob and friends will change into proper, gigantic wolves, not to half-man half-wolf hybrid. At least, consult those people who did the 'graphics' for Lord of the Rings movies or Chronicles of Narnia movies. From what I recall, wolves were there, in the movies.

I can only hope that whoever the director is for NM movie, will have an eye for details and put in proper details correctly.
So, yesterday night, there was this radio channel where the DJ was giving out free Twilight movie preview tickets. She was going on and on about Twilight's plot and such and I couldn't sleep because of that. In the end, I off the radio.

Will it be weird if I said that every time I hear or see something related to Twilight, I will get this burst of adrenaline that shot through my body? Sometimes, I can even get shivers. I have read about people who experience that too.

14th quote:
"Vampires like baseball?"
"It’s an American pastime." ~Twilight, Pg 347, paperback