I'm terribly excited, if excited is the choice word to use for the jitters I'm feeling now. I'm thinking anxious is more like it.
Tomorrow, tomorrow is the big day, after all. MacroEcons can be considered "my life". I thrive on it. It's by far the most interesting subject I've studied and come to enjoy as well. Needless to say, it has my high expectations set to it.
If I can't even do well for it, then what chance do I have for the other subjects, say Marketing? With high expectations, comes stress.
An A. All I need is an A. I'm will go mad if I don't get it. Hmm, maybe not. That will be an exaggeration. I think I'll cry though.
I studied as much as I could, what is the results remains to be seen. Oh god, please help me.
After tomorrow, I'll concentrate on Business Statistics and OB. Another 2 As I must get. OB, not that much, but what other subject can I get an A on? Definitely not BA2 and Marketing.
Exams are a bother, that much I can firmly say.