Thought I would write something light for a change.
On Saturday, 23th January, the whole family attended 表哥's wedding at Changi Village Hotel. It was an Afternoon reception. Before the wedding lunch, there was a solemnisation ceremony too. And after that was the tea ceremony.
It was a fun day, it is a once in a blue moon chance for the whole family to attend a wedding reception together.
Too bad we didn't take many photos that day.
Anyway, there's always Chinese New Year, and by then, I would have been free.
I can't wait to do the things I want. I'm so making a list of the stuff I must complete when semester 3.1 rolls in.
My last holiday as a "free person". 3.1 holidays would see me doing internship and 3.2 holidays is when I will graduate. Oh god, it seems so fast. As much as I like poly life to end, I rather study than to do something else. And I do want to go University, preferably overseas.
But before making any plans, I have to start researching on that trip to Florida.
Soon, my dear, soon.