Wheeeeee, I'm in such a good mood today once I realised this is the last they will see of me! Hip, hip, Hooray!
This is the last weekday I'll be working, at least for the next 3 months. Gosh, I need this.
I don't have to put up with those annoying children anymore and they don't have to put up with me. It's the best of both worlds. No more easy answers! No more feeling frustrated and annoyed! No more channeling bad vibes!
I have had enough of those disgusting children for a long time. I have to put up with their crap and whining and then I started putting up a strict front. It's bad for myself and them. I hate this aspect, you know.
I ignored them for most of the part, but there are times when you can't even bordered it up.
Ha! I shan't miss them. Now that I think of it, could the internship be a blessing in disguise? I need a change of environment real bad, and this is a good chance to compare. Too bad we're treated like cheap labour.
Whereas, in this job of mine, the pay is acceptable, but the children treat you like crap. Seriously, I often wonder how they do in school and what would happen when they grow up. I often find myself comparing because I can't fathom how they can go about life like this.
True, they are young, younger than I and I pity them. The world they are going to live in is not going to be easy, at all. If ours is bad enough, then theirs will be worse. It's something to chew on.
Oh well, I know what some people will say. It's just a godforsaken part-time job, for goodness sake, don't put so much heart and emotions into it. Frankly, I don't. I don't see myself investing my share of feelings and heart in this. I used to think of myself as a robot, marking and marking from start till finish.
So, once again, I found myself in a limbo, between a wall and a cliff. The cliff is looking good at the moment and please do not disappoint me. I will try to make the most out of it.
Saturdays though, I have to meet those damned children again. But, at least it's once a week. It's a gloomy thought, but I suppose my plans will make all these worth it.
It's a plan to conquer myself and humanity.
No hard feelings, eh?