Thursday, November 06, 2008


I've been thinking of making a post about about the upcoming movie event of the year: Twilight the movie.
There will be movie stills, photo shots with my thoughts in it. I'll also be giving my opinions on certain actors/actresses chosen to play the beloved Twilight characters.

I, myself, look forward to typing this entry.

But, in the mean time, time is quite scarce. So, probably by next week, it will be up. I want it to be near perfect so I'll be doing drafts 1st.
This may be one of my best entry yet and I want to be proud of it.

(I've already did my thoughts and views on the rumoured New Moon movie, plot of Breaking Dawn, Twilight newest trailer, movies based on books, etc)

Let it be a tribute to the Twilight universe.
IY Twilight saga ~