I'm officially disturbed by SMU application. List 3 CCAs you considered to be important to you, what the crap, I only have 1 in secondary school. Anyway, I managed to squeeze out 3 for myself. One as a member, one as a committee member and the other for community service. Thank goodness the teacher elected me as a committee member.
I have finally applied to SMU although I have yet to send out the supporting documents.
I'm so jittery now. For one, I am freaked out by the mere thought of interviews in NTU and SMU. For that alone, I am determined to enter NUS. I know, pretty silly of me, but what can I say? After the interviews, I will be freaked out whether I'd screwed them up. I will sort of rest easy when the time for joint online acceptance comes.
Then, I will be worrying about the horrors of orientation. Gods, I sure have lots of things to worry about. And I entertained the thought of how carefree I'll be if I do not have such ambitions.
You know, if I have not done well the first semester and subsequently, just breezed through the rest of the semesters with Bs and Cs, I wonder if I will ever think about going to a local University which resulted in all these worries.
If only I can be contented with a part-time job and work full-time without a degree. If only in my dreams. I can't, that's not who I want to be. I want to have at least a degree. It is a common perception that having a degree will result in more opportunities in life.
I admire those people who have the means and will-power to drop everything they have in Singapore and leave for an overseas University. Afterall, it has been a dream of mine to study overseas until recently.
Ok, let's tackled things one by one. Interviews first and then the rest. I just need some time to breathe and conjure up politically-correct answers.
I need to have choices, damn it. That being said, please, let it not be just SMU which will accept me. I know I should be pleased to have a place, but I don't want to have to choose between SMU and nothing.
I have forgotten to mention about one very important aspect. Additional Mathematics. Yes, the bane of existence in secondary school. SMU and NTU requires one to have a good pass in A Maths, are you kidding me?! I don't even know if my C5 grade is acceptable. I can't go through an entrance exam in A Maths, I will just give up and walk away. Not after so many years of putting the misery behind me...
I am proud of my A Maths grade. It took me huge effort to get from F9 to C5. But, heck no, I am not going through the torture again. I'll take up tuition if I have to, but please, not an exam on A Maths. Not now.