Cinematography (making of lighting and camera choices):
The scenes and backdrops are wonderful and gorgeous! I can almost feel like I am part of this, it will be so much better if this is in 3D.
Acting has definitely step up a few notches. The trio are exceptional great in this film and the supporting cast beef the whole movie up.
Daniel Radcliffe does not look and sound so wooden as compared to the previous films. He really did well this time.
Emma Watson really did a good job. The torture scene with Bellatrix is intense and very real. The viewer can almost feel her pain by her screams. Her interactions with Ron are amazing.
Rupert Grint surpasses himself in this one. He provides the comical relief and yet proves to be wonderful in those more intense scenes. I love him in during the fighting scene with Harry as this shows that he can perform in various circumstances.
Tom Felton has a minimum screen time but I like the close ups of his face, the fear and uncertainty shown was portrayed quite nicely.
Alan Rickman too has minimum screen time but fans joke that this is the film that he talks the most in that single scene at Malfoy Manor. I take heart that we will see more of him and his story in Part 2.
Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldermort is awesome!
Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix She deserves the honour of bringing insanity to her character. Her character development is one of the strongest.
Bathilda Bagshot – She and her scene are too intense and scary. It was a job well done by her. She creeps me out when she changed into Nagini.
Bill Nighy (Scrimgeour) is good in his role, albeit a short one. I love the way he talks.
Peter Mullan (Yaxley) did a great job as the Death Eater who was chasing Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Special Effects:
Dobby and Kreacher are great in the film, especially Dobby! The effects are natural and feels complete.
As much as everything is taken into account, the book-to-movie adaption is one of the best.
As this is a 2 part adaption, there are a lot more room and time to put in scenes that make a difference. Despite the changes and cuts, I don’t feel that I am watching a different story altogether and that to a fan, is extremely important.
My favourite scenes?
The whole movie consists of great scenes put together which makes this such a beautiful movie. Below are scenes which I like. But, exceptionally well-done scenes are Bathilda Bagshot scene, Minstry scene, 7 Potters, silver doe scene, locket scene, Dobby dying scene.
First and foremost, the part when Hermione obliviate her parents were well done and shows the sacrifices she made to keep them safe.
The 7 Potters scene provides comic relief yet has a sinister undertone. And how can I forget the chase by the Death Eaters? It was all very fast and action-packed.
I like the wedding scene when Kingsley’s Patronus came in and warn them that the Death Eaters are coming.
The on-the-run scenes are very powerful and convey the realism and rawness that the trio felt when on the run.
The Ministry scene was well executed and proved to be quite true to the book. The addition of some light moments such as Harry-Runcorn stiff walking and Ron-Cattermole reactions were a nice touch. Yaxley chasing them finished the scene wonderfully.
Every single scene at Godric’s Hallows was great, from the finding of James and Lily’s tombstones to the laying of Christmas wreath to Bathilda Bagshot. It was very scary, heart-thumping and creepy. This is easily the most frightening and hair-raising scene out of the whole movie.
I like the way The Tale of the Three Brothers was done. The animations seem mysterious and like Warwick Davis said “very Tim Burton-esque like”.
The silver doe scene is one of the hot favourites of mine, it was one of the well-play scenes in the whole film. I love the soft bluish glow of the doe and Harry diving down into the icy lake to retrieve the sword. Of course, Voldemort-Harry and Voldemort-Hermione are too great in the locket scene! The wraith-like apparitions are truly Ron's nightmares.
I really love the torture scene with Bellatrix and Hermione. It was amazing and so tense. And how can we forget the pivotal point in the movie? Dobby’s dying is as touching and tear-wrenching as the one in the book. Except that Luna didn’t say her speech and there was no “Here lies Dobby, a free elf”.
The ending with Voldemort getting the Elder Wand is just and a good place to end part 1 and begin part 2. It provides the right sort of suspense to start part 2.
The score by Alexandre Desplat is good and suits the different scenes. Many fans who are passionate about scores of previous Harry Potter films said that Nicholas Hooper and John Williams did extremely well in the scores. I have to agree with them as Half-Blood Prince and the first two films are my favourites.
I feel that the score is good but the focal point will on the last film as the battle intensifies and climax is neared.
Bad points:
Wormtail did not die! Need I say more? This is one of the biggest deviations from the book.
Kreacher telling of the locket story can be improved so much more.
There were other minor scenes and details that were edited out but those were not as bad as to destry the whole movie.
Good points:
I love that they add in the scene where Hermione obliviate her parents and wipe out her existence in that household. I wish that they could do the same for Ron though. I would have loved to see the ghoul.
This movie places emphasis on Harry, Ron and Hermione relationship and dynamics which previous films neglect to do so or take for granted. Little details here and there do make a difference in presenting the friendship between the three.
I especially like the newly added scene which shows Harry cheering up Hermione by dancing with her. It is such as sweet scene.
As they travelled through various places, the names of the casualties being announced on the radio is a nice touch to the isolation and hopelessness they faced in the battle to save the magical world.
I like how the crew keep the funny scenes in and add in details from previous books which were missed out in the past. I also like how the scriptwriter lifted chunks of dialogue straight from the book.
Overall feel:
Overall, the movie is very enjoyable for fans because we know where everything is going, yet at the same time, as this is an adaptation, we are in for surprises as well.
I love the rawness of the film, the emotive and heavy scenes coupled with light-hearted moments here and there. It is intensive yet not too overwhelming. It is well balanced and viewers know for sure that this is no longer a children book but that there is a war on the horizon and everything has changed.
Of course, this movie tugs your heartstrings and manipulates your tear ducts.
This is easily one of the better films in this movie franchise. I LOOOVE, love, love it! If I thought that Half-Blood Prince was good, then this is ten times better than that.
Ever since Chamber of Secrets, I have all but lost hope that another Harry Potter film could follow the legacy of remaining faithful to the beloved book series. Is this my favourite movie? Perhaps, I need to watch it one more time to make sure I do. If not this, then the last one will be on the pedestal.
David Yates, David Heyman, and all the producers and crew behind this success ought to give themselves a pat on the back for a job well done. It was brillant, amazing, and fantastic!
If non-readers and the average movie-goer feels that they are missing out on a lot of things, they have to realise that the movies are targeting fans. Read the books before watching the movies, nuff said.
Yes, I do realise that Part 1 is a little tad boring for average people and some fans, but take note that this is just Part 1! The book is divided into two parts and it is a no-brainer that Part 1 will of course contains less thrills. Wait till you see the full movie, Part 1 and Part 2, before making a choice that you hate it.