Gods, I know I would regret it! See? I knew it! Grrrr.
I feel like throttling something now...
I have a few choice not-so-nice words to use but I've decided to stick to proper English words to use as substitute.
I will rant and fume all I want and one day, I'll look back to see how immature I was. Now, back to business.
Against my better judgements, I went to this so-call Business Day which I thought was an orientation. I found my year 1 class friend there, apparently we were the only ones from our year 1 class attending.
We "signed in" and I realised that no one from my year 2 class was there. Of course, who is insane enough to attend this event when you can laze around at home? Me, apparently. Less than a quarter of the business students came. I felt so stupid all of a sudden.
I wish Alice is my best friend, she would have seen this coming.
Anyway, one other person from my class came. I wanted to escape, I just wanted to leave. But, once again, my conscience gnawed on my heart and and I stayed on. Besides, they said that once you signed in, you must signed out, or else no SEAL points will be given. Those cheaters...
I figured, since I came, I might as well stayed on to get my SEAL points. "Tricking" us into coming for this event by saying it was compulsory and all that nonsense is a low blow. Yes, I got tricked and was pissed off.
Blah, blah, blah. Then, came the games. I was going to leave in the middle of the games but in the end I didn't do it. Either I was too cowardly to do so or that stupid conscience working its magic. I endured throughout the whole ordeal with the boredom that could compete Marcus' from Volturi.
I can't say that I didn't enjoy some aspects of it.
Who says I can't have a temper? I just don't want to lash it out on people. Zzzz....
At last, the time had come for us to leave. What a relief.
Was that an orientation? NO. Did I regret going? YES. Will I do something like that again? Absolutely NOT. Next time something like that is taking place, I'll be MIA (missing in action.) Maybe, if I like it, my phantom will be there.
Oh joy, the excitement I felt for this day. I really look forward to another one. No way. Sarcasm can dripped like acid.
I won't be that goody-goody again.
Yes, this may be a small matter. But, at that moment of time, I felt cheated. As I said before, one day, I'll be laughing at this post along with some others.