Thursday, May 30, 2013


Was feeling rather sorry for myself last night and so I cried. Sometimes, you just have to let the tears flow to feel better. My right arm hurts so badly that I doubted I slept a wink. This is why I hate  pain and to a larger extent, needles. I would even further to diagnose myself with Angliophobia

This is also why I avoid getting injuries as much as possible, hence, a sedentary lifestyle. This is why I would never go for tattoos or unnecessary invasive treatments. I would rather live with my not-so-nice teeth than to go for braces. Who doesn't like the perfect set of teeth? But the last thing I need is to subject myself to teeth extraction. Life isn't perfect and I am content to be ordinary. 

This brings me to the purpose of this post. Yesterday, I gritted my teeth to go for immunisations as part of the Thailand field studies. The last time I went for an injection was back in Primary 6, when I was 12. Out of the 3 vaccinations, I did 2 in my right arm. As for the last one, I 'chickened' out. 

Sigh, the things I do for studies. This will be the first and probably the last time I will willingly subject myself to the pain of injections. I need that pot of anesthetic cream.