2 more days down. On Monday, we had Geography and Maths paper 1. The geography was quite alright, except I wrote a col instead of ridge, oh well...
The Maths paper was a little difficult. I don't know if I will fail or not. Perhaps not but I won't do well. There were just too many questions that baffled me. Furthermore, no calculators were allowed.
On Tuesday, we had Maths paper 2 and Physics paper. The 1st few questions in the Maths paper were difficult. I spent so much time on them. But the subsequent questions were ok.
The Physics paper was fine. There were just some sub-questions that I don't know. I made one stupid mistake though. I thought 1.7m is 1700cm. Ahhh... That was so careless of me.
Today, I don't have to go to school. Only those taking Literature paper must go. I got to wake up late and managed to post an entry here. My classmates's paper are ending anyway. The exam end at 9.30.
Tomorrow, I'll be having Chemistry and Physics practical paper. Since my class is on the 3rd shift, we can go to school late. But I don't know how we can do 2 practicals at the same time...
The arrangement is weird.
All the best!