Monday, September 14, 2009

New Moon latest trailer


Got this link from my friend. It's the latest New Moon trailer. I don't know if it's shown on MTV awards but anyway, it's totally awesome!!

Just watching it alone gives me the tingles. Oh my, it's just so gorgeous and I'm not talking about the actors. The visuals, the layout, the music, the action, the characters! Wow!

New plotlines were added into the original story but it seems fine. I'm not sure about the fight between Robert Pattinson and one of the Volturi guards (Felix, maybe). It will provide more action to the film definitely.

Love the red robes of the Volturi! The Volturi are quite nicely done. Jane is portrayed so wonderfully as I said before. Taylor as Jacob is great! I especially love the "visions" or "ghost" of 'Edward' that 'Bella' saw and hear whenever she did something dangerous.

One peeve. What's with the black or "metallic grey" Volvo?! It's quite ugly, to be blunt. I found out that the original Edward's car; a S60R is no longer in production which explains the lack of presence of it during Twilight the movie.

But, can't they find one that is at least silver in colour? Or better still, with their means; I don't think they can’t afford to rent a S60R Volvo from someone. From the C30 in Twilight the movie to a SC60 in New Moon and possibly Eclipse...

While that hardly warrant an outrage from fans, aren’t details to be paid attention to? If they say the colour of the car don’t matter, then what if they got Edward’s hair colour wrong? Or the Cullens’ eye colour and the Volturis’? Please it’s just details, you know, Forks don’t even have to be green. Details, details. To quote the Lex, the bat-mobile has gone purple. It’s like saying it’s ok for Bella to become a hippy.

Kristen Steward’s expressions seems to have improve a little. Most of the scenes still show her to be blank-faced. But the agony scene in bed is very lovely.

New Moon movie is definitely going to be quite the movie of the year after Harry Potter HBP. I can just feel it. Going to re-read New Moon soon and get ready for the December’s release. *Cries* I could have watch it on November only if I visit USA.


Problem with Blogger

Problem with Blogger, again! How long has it been since I last complain about Blogger?

The last time something like this happened, I combed the net for solutions, and I ended up changing my proxy server. Voila! It worked.

But after some months (now), suddenly, I found that I can’t go online or log in my messenger at all. They told me that there’s something wrong with the proxy server, I distantly remembered changing it and I changed it back after much thinking.

However, once I changed back to the original proxy server, Blogger goes back to the same problem, no icons at all! No spell-check, no insert picture, no insert video, no colour selection, etc. Just plain old space to type. Arghhh! I’m so angry!

My cousin told me to use Blogger in draft and the icons are back, all expect spell-check. I relied heavily on spell-check. Where is spell-check?! I found out that the latest tool bar issued my blogger is without spell-check although there are many new features in this new tool bar. As such, I will have to use reliable Microsoft Word to type a draft first before copying over to Blogger.

The new colours by this new tool bar are kind of attractive though not that bright for me.

What a mess!