This is old news but they bought it up recently, and it caught my attention once again.
Will Taylor Lautner stay on as Jacob? That is the big question that is in many fans' minds. Nearly 3 weeks since Lautner had lunch with director Christ Weitz on whether he'll be staying on.
Why don't Summit or anyone gives the good news or drop the bombshell on fans is another big question. I like to quote one fan who said this, "The longer the silence, the more lethal it could become." How very true.
As long as one day pass without any confirmation, it's only going to get worst. Unless, all the fans suddenly develop memory loss, there's no way that we will forget the day Summit presented us with the bad news.
The whole Twilight fandom was in a uproar and still is. By dragging the whole matter, it's akin to waiting for the an earthquake or tsunami to hit.
For me, first and foremost, keep Taylor Lautner. Sure. I do care about details. However, at this point in time and journey, I don't care about details that much anymore. Who cares if Ashley Greene is not as short and tiny as Alice should have been? Who cares if Kellan Lutz don't have curls like Emmett should have? I'm sure even fewer people care about Robert Pattinson not being as perfect and looking 17 years old as Edward should have. Don't even let me go into the plot of the movie. Way too many details were not being subjected into consideration. If fans could deal with these, I don't see the problem in dealing with Lautner not being as tall and bulky as Jacob should have been.
One reason why some fans want Lautner to stay on is because they dislike changes of major characters in movies, especially in the sequels. One part of why I want Lautner to stay is due to this. It is just like changing Pattinson for some other actor for the role of Edward. I don't understand how some people can't see the connection here.
If Summit says they want to stick as true as possible to the book by changing Lautner, work on the script instead. Even then, Jacob is about 6'7, so unless Summit is going to find an actor of that height...
There is a minority of fans that will boycott New Moon movie if they change Lautner. They may be in the minority part, but every fan counts, doesn't it? Say, if 10 fans boycott the movie, it'll lead to a chain-effect because they are the ones who influence their family and friends to watch. In the end, it is not as easy as that 10 people not contributing.
Some fans are afraid that Summit will do away with Eclipse and a possible Breaking Dawn movie if they don't make enough for New Moon. The truth is, they are not that stupid to jeopardise their "gold mine". Should they throw away that good opportunity, there are other studios out there waiting to snatch the rights. Thus, Summit will make Eclipse and a possible Breaking Dawn movie.
Ultimately, fans are the ones who contribute and promote the movie. If Summit don't know that, good luck to them. It was said that 90% of the fans want Taylor Lautner to stay. Summit should take note of what fans want when making their decisions. I'm not saying that what fans say or want will always be correct and just.
Seems like this week the results will be out. Wow, I'm excited about that. Keeping my fingers crossed for Taylor Lautner. I really want him to stay. He has the potential to continue playing Jacob.
I almost chocked when I saw the news update today. Soon, I guess. There's only 4 days left of this week. I'm going to have a heart-attack either way. It'll be either breathing a sign of relief or coping with the discontentment.
Team Taylor! Because he made me come to love Jacob over the weeks/months.