3rd week of school term. Let's sum up everything about school.
Marketing tutorial is "boring" and we did not really have early dismissal. The teacher only go through the tutorial questions sparingly and spend most of the time focusing on the activity sheets. Not a very good thing. Marketing lecture is actually interesting at some points in time but unfortunately, I'm hardly paying attention to most parts.
Business Accounting 2 tutorial is kind of alright. Nothing much to say, except that the teacher is quite OK. Business Accounting 2 lecture is another thing altogether. The lecturer is strict and is the 1st lecturer who make full use of the 2 hours. Very, very tedious for me. Her teaching is not bad though, but as I say, I don't pay much attention during lectures.
Organisation Behaviour is just a replica of POM. Memorising work. The tutorial, again, does not emphasize on tutorial questions. Rather, he just go through them and revise the past chapter. As a result, the class will end early, not that I'm complaining. OB lectures are, boring. Copying notes and hardly listening.
I can't really judge Macro Economics tutorials as today is the 1st time he came to class. But, he was very fast and steady in what he taught. In 50 minutes, we're out of the class. He says it's not his style to provide answers. Instead, he just go through it and you have to catch what he's saying. Not sure I like it but the short tutorial is very welcoming.
I still preferred my Micro Economics teacher last semester. He's the best teacher so far.
Business Stats lectures are quite long but ok because most of the time, I'm just tuning off. Bad, but what can I do? Stats can be easy but very, very tedious. There are so many weird formulas so it's a good thing we're having open-book tests and exams.
Stats tutorials are also ok, I suppose. Sometimes, we need to do some class assignments besides from checking our homework.
French lectures are actually fun and interesting but it's spoilt by the large amounts of inconsiderate people who don't know how to shut their mouths. The whole lecture hall is already full of people and yet a sizable amount of them are making so much noise.
If I can't stand it, I don't think the lecturer could. However, since it's only 1 hour of lecture, they can't possibly stop every few minutes to scold them. Instead, the lecturer just carry on. Yesterday, the new lecturer said this is the worse lecture ever. He don't know how are we going what he's is saying amid all the noise. I could tell that he's really frustrated. Well, I'm not happy too.
All in all, I think the lecture halls are giving out some vibe that makes me lost concentration and feels sleepy.