It's days earlier than the release date for Twilight movie but still days behind the original release date in USA.
I'm not that excited as I've been for Twilight movie. Things change, people change. The image of the movie franchise has been tarnished and my faith has dropped.
Regardless, I'll still watch the movie and buy the DVD. I hope that this time round, I'll not laugh as much and respect the movie more.
I want the inept screen-writer to do better at following the plot-line of the book instead of doing what she thinks is right. I want the movie to be faithful and stay true to the book. Now that the actors and actresses have experience (I hope), they will try to be more into character.
Ha, it's not as if I'm the only one who have a problem with the screen-writer. Many fans has express their strong, negative feelings for her. Great minds think alike.