How terribly exciting...
There had been a case of multiple murders near where I lived. The case happened at Yishun Block 349 while I lived at Block 350.
Apparently, it occurred at midnight yesterday. But this morning, my father reported to us that the whole area was cornered off and police and reporters alike were still there. When I went out this afternoon, police car and private cars were still there.
It was only then I knew that this was not a simple case of someone dying. 3 females were murdered and 1 injured. All were reportedly from China. The suspect was caught on the spot but seems that he was not the only murderer.
And another thing, the whole China tainted milk powder fiasco is escalating.
Melamine was apparently added into milk powder in China.
How bad can these people go? I don't understand at all. 4 babies were dead because of this with hundreds more hospitalised with kidney stones. Don't they have 1 drop of compassion and corporate social responsibility in them? They should be made to drink the tainted milk instead...
Now, not only is powdered milk produced in China affected, even food items made from milk and "fresh" milk were hit too. China-produced ice-cream brand and fresh milk were removed from shelves indefinitely. But, of course, Singapore did not import the milk powder and certain brands of fresh milk. However, that did not stop the authorities from carrying out checks on other brands of ice-cream and chocolates that are quite popular in Singapore.
Since both food items required milk to make, it is worrying that these manufacturers will obtain their milk sources from China as it will be cheaper. The problem is you don't know where is the milk is from when you consume an ice-cream. Due to today's borderless companies, you don't know at all where different ingredients are from. The brand itself may be trusted, but the ingredients are a different thing all together.
I personally have a weakness for chocolates and ice-cream. The brands I support and consume are mostly from the Western countries. I hold a certain belief that expensive means it's good and safe to a certain extent. That's selective perception and it may be my downfall but up till now, I still trust certain brand more than others. Don't we all?
Like my father says, consume everything in moderate quantities and don't just stick to one brand of food item, it may lessen one chances of getting affected.
In my opinion, settle down in a countryside, buy a few acres of land, rear cattle and poultry and grow your own vegetables and fruits. That's what I call safe and reliable.
Oh my god, what had the world become?!