Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Of holidays & Scotland
Was packing for the TNS 3 day stay in school starting tomorrow. *Sighs* It's like leaving home. What a hassle! I'm the kind of person who have lots of toiletries to take along and must have this and that.
I'm taking a sling-bag of clothes and towel, a backpack for the other stuff and a laptop bag.
Went to Borders first and Kinokuiya at Orchard area with a friend. I cna't find the novel I'm looking for! I'm kind of disappointed in Borders. It let me down, again and again.
In the end, I did buy one of Lynn Kurland's novel. I'm thinking about whether I should just ask them to pre-order it for me. When I have the time in the next few weeks, I'll make a trip down again.
I didn't even have time for myself! I want to rant on it. It's the holidays, why am I having all sort of activities?! Holiday is for me to enjoy and to relax!
My idea of relaxing is to curl up with a nice novel, music wafting by, and maybe some ice-cream to go by. Add Autumn breeze and the smell of lovely country-side to that and I'll have the perfect vacation. Too bad, this is Singapore.
Can't wait to make a trip to the Scotland Highlands. All these books about the wilderness and wonderfulness of the Highlands makes me swoon. The native language too. Scotland has moved up in the place of "a must to visit" countries in my list. Europe remains the top destination to go. But maybe, just maybe, Scotland and England will be my destination to go to first. Afterall, the exchange-rate is better?
Will stop here now.
Volturi Revealed
They are really well done, in terms of make-up, dress-code, background effects. True, I'm not that satisfied with all of them but let's wait till the movie to pass a judgement.
For now, I can say that Chris Weitz has out-done himself and will give New Moon the boost it needs. Thank you so much!
Marcus ( Christopher Heyerdahl)
I'll post my views later. My favourite remains to be Jane, as portrayed by Dakota Fanning. Innocent yet sinister.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Of exams and holidays
Seriously, MBS paper was quite tricky in a way the MCQs were like crap. Options are A and B are correct, A and C and D are correct etc, should only appear at least twice. But no, it has to be for most questions.
I know that A is definitely correct, but am not sure about the rest, how in the world am I going to answer these MCQs? In the end, I just used my intelligence thinking.
B+ should be alright, I really hope.
HRM paper was quite easy though. My hand cramped and my handwriting was bad. The 'S' looks like a wriggle or a 'C' by the time I did the short-essays. Like any other paper, I did not remembered everything but I tried my best.
Today's Business Finance is a killer, for my body and my mind. Adrenaline just pumped into my blood as minutes ticked by and I had a panic attack last night. I slept around 12 plus because I was looking through past year papers.
This is the first time I did something like that because I desperately want to get an A. Not B or B+.
The paper was OK overall. I didn't remembered everything but did some trial-and-error. In my sub-conscious, I knew that this is over that, just not sure enough.
Oh well, 2.1 grades will be out on 10th September. Wow, I can hardly wait. I'll be dreading and anticipating it at the same time. 2 As, 2 B+ and 1 B is the target if I want to maintain my GPA of 6.3.
I promise myself if I get my targeted grades for 2.1 and 2.2, I'll purchase the Slytherin tie I've been wanting. It's clearly a want for I've no use for a tie, I don't even use tie as an accessory. I need an incentive to get the tie from USA and wear it for the premier of Deathly Hallows part 1 and 2. It's so lovely but extravagant.
Now that holidays are here, I have lots of things to do. Went to the library on my way home. Finally, I can replenish my brain cells by doing light reading.
I was not in a good mood earlier after seeing the TNS 3-day-stay itinerary. Suddenly, I don't feel like attending it. Gods knows what I'm thinking when I submit the form.
Maybe, it's due to the fact that I want to visit my secondary school on Monday because of teachers' day celebrations, but I'll need to get permission to leave early from the stay. Besides, I'll need to get friends to return with me. *Sighs*, this is enough to give me a bad mood and a headache. I really want to go back... Or maybe it's because I just don't like having to draw lots for room-mates. For goodness sake, this is an informal event.
Then again, perhaps, I shouldn't read too much into it.
My first week of holiday is packed full of stuff. Tomorrow I'm going to Borders with a friend. On Saturday, I'll be going for the TNS. On Wednesday, I'll be attending the class chalet. On Thursday, I'll be going to start work.
Not sure I like my holidays to be productive. I'd rather be a jellyfish for that short while.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Business Finance is one subject I love to hate or should it me hate to love. In any case, I love this subject with a fierce hatred because I desperately want to get an A for it.
Going to sleep on it now. All the best to me.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Screw you, MBS
C'mon, if my goal is to pass my exams, I'm already there.
No, it's about maintaining my As and getting at least a B for those subjects which I don't really like.
The study week had passed, I can say that this time, I started earlier in my revision. But, whether that is the indication I will do better, I can't say for sure. My mind seems blank! The thing I studied a few days ago seems wipe from my mind!
Screw you, MBS! I really tried my best, but I've no confidence in doing the exam. I want to get an A, but I'll make do with a B+.
I've nothing more to say now except prayers.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
On Monday, my brother remained ill so I took him to the doctor. He did the H1N1 test, and it came out positive. Oh joy. 10 days MC for him. Spent almost $160 on the fees. Thus, the quarantine began.
At night, I got ill too. A bad sore throat. I went to the doctor the next day on my own. The administrator thought I had it too. But, as long as I don't have fever or other symptoms, I should be quite safe.
Then, my illness got worst. I had blocked nose and felt aches all over my body. I think it should be like dengue, only milder. I felt lethargic too.
3rd day remains the same. Took my temperature and it hovered around 37.1. Slept through my afternoon after taking the cocktail of pills. Pill for block nose, antibiotics for sore throat, pills for pain. Add barley water, herbal tea and cups of water to that list.
And for some weird reason, I cried. I felt lost and pathetic. It's been ages since I had been this ill. H1N1 must be potent, indeed.
My nose is still blocked as I'm typing this.
OK, this is the worst study break ever. I can't even study much due to my illness. I did toy with the idea of getting H1N1 because then, I can achieve the fullest potential when I'm ready.
This is just wrong. It's like hanging off a cliff. Nether here or there.
On one hand, let's say I've H1N1. Pro 1: I will not be able to take exams next week. Con 1: I'll not be able to fulfill my plans; 3 day stay in school, chalet, going to Borders. Con 2: Everyone will be relieved of the burden of exams while I'll be taking them. Con 3: People received their results while I can't.
On the other, let's say I remain ill but not H1N1 positive. Pro 1: I can do the things I want once my exams are over. Pro 2: The burden of exams will be gone. Pro 3: I'll be able to enjoy my holidays to the fullest. Con 1: While ill, I'm not able to do my best in studying. Con 2: I'll just cry if my grades are bad. Con 3: My potential is not achieved!
Unfortunately, the second option is the better one. I really want exams to be over in a snap. But, I don't want to look back at my grades and GPA and regret it. This is supposed to be the easiest term!
The best option is to, recover before tomorrow. Or, remain ill until my exams are over, so I can get a MC to hand it up with my exam papers.
This is completely stupid, I felt stupid for thinking of all these.
Studying Business Finance part 2. It's a slow process... MBS left.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Latest NM trailer
OMJ! The newest New Moon trailer is looking awesome!
Once again, Taylor looks just right for his role. Dakota Fanning as Jane is totally spot-on! She looks so sinister in her cloak and red eyes. Robert Pattinson looks like crap, which is great. Very nice portrayal of the angst-y Edward.
The special effects looks exceptionally good here. It's not cringe worthy like those from Twilight's. The motorcycle scene has potential. I like the St. Marcus Day scene best. I'm not too sure if Pattinson's eyes are red or golden towards the end. Looks sort of red to me, but it can't be because he didn't drink any human blood.
I still don't like the wolf form, but well, I can accept it as long as the movie is wonderful.
PS: Apparently the larger version can't work. So, here's the link.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Summary of term 2.1
Firstly, I'll make a summary of my coursework.
For Business Finance, I've halfway to an A. This means that for the end-semester exam, I'll need to score an A too. For HRM, I've a 70% B. It met my expectations (I was praying for at least a B) but I didn't know why I still felt a little upset and disappointed. PBL 2 was quite alright, my group had a B+. For MBS, we received an A for group project, and an A for the overall coursework. 60% with an A, leaving 40% for exam.
Holy, I'm going to work hard for the 3 subjects. I mean 2.1 is supposed to the "easy" term due to the lack of subjects. However, it's difficult too. 2 As and a B+ is what I'm aiming for!
I know, term 2.1 was not a happy term for me. First of all, my wonderful Freshman group mates are all in different classes. I truly missed the times we had together, as friends and as group members.
However, towards the end of the term, I have had fun, especially with those who have the same CDS as I do. Late nights for TNS equal to hanging out in school when most people went home. It's great knowing the difficulties we faced and complaining about it. "We understand each other". Also, the things we like. My friend, I discovered, likes the characters from Harry Potter despite not reading the books. I'm so happy to find a kindred spirit. We talked about lots of things and I enjoyed myself. I should think, this is the first time I open so much of my heart. I usually don't talk about the things I like to people.
Desipte everything, we'll still be leaving for our respective classes in next semester. Once again, the project groups will changed. Once again, there'll be new people to make friends with. I actually hated this procedure. Not only is it a hassle, it's too much for me...
I guess I'm one foot into working during the holidays. Hope things will run smoothly for me. The experience is one thing, the cash on the other hand, is an incentive.
Many things to do once the exams ended; trip to Borders/Kino, 3 day camp for TNS, class chalet, work. In that order.
Gods, suddenly I wanted to read this book very much. To the point where I'll buy it if only Borders sell it. I sure hope so, or else I'll order from Borders. Stardust of Yesterday by Lynn Kurland is the book in question.
I'm suddenly addicted to her novels. Why is it that I like to read during exams period? I did something sinful on Friday. Went to the library, borrowed her novel, and read it in one go.
Will stop here now.
All the best for the exams.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
2nd NM teaser trailer
Holy Crap! It's the second teaser trailer for New Moon. It's about 14 seconds long and shows new footage.
All I can say is, Taylor's muscles and abs are incredible! OMJ! If all else fails, Taylor and the Volturi are worth spending the money on. Oh yeah!
Taylor has really captured the Jacob -look. While Kristen Steward, well, her emotions are pretty neutral to me. Too neutral, to be exact. Anyway...
The background music is weird, that's all I can say.
Monday, August 10, 2009
NDP 2009

The theme for this year's National Day.
Indeed, it's a get-together for all Singaporeans, regardless of race, language or religion. Even the foreigners joined in.
Watched the parade at home as usual. I really hope that next year, I'll be lucky enough to catch it live on the floating platform on 9th August.
It's this day that Singaporeans will feel the joy and sense of belonging to the country more so than other days. After all, it's a huge party! The fireworks are magnificent, I must say, especially the heart-shaped ones.
With improvements made to the parade every year, this year is, needless to say, the best.
Although, I do have some things that I don't quite like. For instance, the remixing of the National Anthem. What is that? Furthermore, the remixing of all those beloved and timeless National Day songs made me cringe. Gah, they are awful! I can't stand remixing for obvious reasons. But, I guess, everything needs a change...
I feel that more singing should be done, especially the full version of the songs, not one sentence from song A and one sentence from song B.
Ahh well, despite this year's official National Day song being scrutinised and made a mockery, it's pretty good once the song keeps playing over and over again. I don't like the guy's voice though, it's too monotonous and "unfeeling".
I love the newly addition of the Pledge taking moment at 8.22pm. Whether you are located in Singapore or overseas, take some time out to take the pledge. I love mass events like this. It makes me teary-eyed and get tingles.
I saw some of the videos Singaporeans took from overseas about them taking the pledge. Wow, I'll just love to be one of them. From UAE to Australia to USA to China. At shopping centres, at MRT Stations, at NTUC Outlets in Singapore.
I hope they will incorporate this event for the subsequent National Days to come.
It's been a great 5 day holiday. Now, it's back to studying for the exams.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Happy Birthday S'pore 2009 and happy times
Happy Birthday Singapore!
44 years of independence and stronger everyday. Now if only we could set off Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes Fireworks and Gandalf's dragon fireworks...
I'm grateful to be born in Singapore and enjoy all the good things here. There may be times I take things for granted but I truly appreciate. It is more so when I went overseas.
Recently, I went to Sydney, Australia. I can't help but compare things. It's so different in Australia. I'm not saying that Australia is on the bad side, just very different. The country still remains the top destination to go, as a traveller.
Anyway, reading all those entries dedicated to Singapore on the newspaper today made me teary-eyed.
Met up with my friend and her brother yesterday before she goes back to USA. It'll only be next year Summer before she'll come again. Another friend also joined us.
I wanted to go to Ion Orchard, the newest shopping mall in Orchard Road. It was a bad idea. There were tons of people there, all wanting a share of the new pie. Since, it was dinner time, all eateries and restaurants were chock-full of people. Queues were also forming everywhere.
In the end, we ate at the food court, which we had a hard time finding available seats. Needless to say, the food court ended up the destination where most people went because it's certainly cheaper to eat there than in a restaurant. Despite being new, the floors were quite dirty, because of all the crowds.
The toilets were full too, and it was also quite dirty. The cleaners are having a hard time cleaning. Some people just don't know how to take care of stuff. Tsk, tsk. In Australia, public toilets in train stations or near beaches remain quite clean even though cleaners are not always around.
We went to this new coffee house, Dr Cafe Coffee. It's like StarBucks. Sadly, they were out of Strawberries, so I can't order the Strawberry Cocktail. I ended up ordering Peach Tea because I don't take coffee.
We talked about lots of stuff, with the majority being about the state-of-weapons in various countries and the national service.
Too bad, I didn't have a chance to visit threesixty, the gourmet marketplace at Ion. They are selling cool chocolates there. There's also Royce, the chocolate brand from Hokkaido. Ahh well, when the hype is all gone, I'll ask my father to bring us there.
Took the MRT home, and bid good-bye to my friends.
Throughout the ride home, we were talking about weapons in different countries, the exchange rates and the leaders of Indonesia, USA and Singapore. Really, it made me think what strangers will say; teenagers who spoke of great and sophisticated things. It made me laugh a little.
I always can't help it to hear what people are saying on trains and buses.
It's been a great time.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Something fun 2
My lecturer showed us this video last week. It's really hilarious! The song is done by MrBrown, a Singaporean who does parodies on stuff. This particular song is on H1N1 Flu.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
More ramblings on Harry Potter
This should probably be the last entry I made on this, unless I read some more reviews and have things to bring up.
Let's start by saying this, "I'm glad that before I watched the movie, I read some good reviews and ratings." I'm an easily influenced person, however, that does not means that I've no spine. It's just that I take people's opinions seriously, too much, sometimes, that it jeopardises my enjoyment of things.
After watching HBP, it's surprisingly good. As I said before, it's so much better than the last 3 films put together so it's great in my book. This is my honest opinion, without anyone influencing it.
However, I don't know what's the reason, perhaps my perspective of things, bad/not-so-good reviews began appearing. It bugs me, get on my nerves at times. Everyone has the right to say what they want. A coin has two sides. I, too, have the right to stop reading all their thoughts. So, why am I giving myself a hard time, I have no idea.
I can always just click the red X.
Perhaps, I like to read their opinion on things. We're readers of the books afterall. Perhaps, I want to see how different people from different countries see things differently. And it's too tempting to let it pass.
Anyway, this thought has been swirling inside my mind for quite sometime, I just don't have the inspiration to put in down.
My opinion has not changed, and I've got to stop reading reviews about HBP. I mean it this time. The film has been made, what opinion of it doesn't matter.
If for any reason, I can always rely on the books to keep me happy, which reminds me of another issue.
I found out that actually there's a part, I don't know how big, of the readers that hated/dislike Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows the books.
It renders me speechless, really. I thought the 2 books are nicely done and the plots are intriguing. Yes, there are times when it got a little "out-of-hand". But this is fiction!
If there's a book I didn't quite like, it is Order of the Phoenix. It's a little long and draggy for me.
Oh well, an author can't please everyone. That is why I don't put my ideas in public. I'll just keep mulling over it, if someone criticise my work.
J.K Rowling gives us some great books to pass the childhood years. It's been nearly 8 years since I started reading Harry Potter. I grow up with the book series, pre-ordering the books months before the debut.
For that accomplishment, a toast for her, for her imagination, for her courage.
Sighing off.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Things that fascinate and terrify

Saturday, August 01, 2009
Inspiration has not hit yet but I really need to write down what's going on.
Last Sunday 26th July, I and my cousin, together with the family and relatives went to Ying Fo Fui Kun Scholarship Award ceremony. It's this Hakka clan association which my grandparents are part of.
Anyway, I received instant cash for my good results. I've already treated my family to Sakae Sushi in which I said I'll pay $60 and my father will pay the extras.
Tuesday's HRM role-play was same-old. This time, I felt that we were better prepared. However, the teacher still said that we missed out on many aspects of discipline.
My thoughts? This is a 10 minutes role-play on discipline, which they didn't state a single thing on what we are supposed to do. How many aspects do they want us to include, hmm? We did on a single aspect which is progressive discipline. I can't understand why we have include everything in. Do they want us to act out the whole of the discipline notes? Yes, they will mark us on contents, but I thought that if we did the progressive discipline right, then it should be alright. Sheesh, I'm mad at this...
As I stated before, I'm glad to get rid of HRM. I'm happy that I didn't choose HRM. If I want, I can always take HRM when I leave, just not now.
Will stop here now.