Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Of Wedding & Plans
On Saturday, 23th January, the whole family attended 表哥's wedding at Changi Village Hotel. It was an Afternoon reception. Before the wedding lunch, there was a solemnisation ceremony too. And after that was the tea ceremony.
It was a fun day, it is a once in a blue moon chance for the whole family to attend a wedding reception together.
Too bad we didn't take many photos that day.
Anyway, there's always Chinese New Year, and by then, I would have been free.
I can't wait to do the things I want. I'm so making a list of the stuff I must complete when semester 3.1 rolls in.
My last holiday as a "free person". 3.1 holidays would see me doing internship and 3.2 holidays is when I will graduate. Oh god, it seems so fast. As much as I like poly life to end, I rather study than to do something else. And I do want to go University, preferably overseas.
But before making any plans, I have to start researching on that trip to Florida.
Soon, my dear, soon.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Seriously, my mind is almost a total blank. Thoughts are swirling around but nothing substantial can be put down. All the energy has been use up and there is no way I can charge them.
Sometimes, I wish I could just Obliviate myself.
I can't wait till all the projects are handed up and presentations are done. Then, it will be the last hurrah for me...
Friday, January 22, 2010
Of Morbid Tales
Finally, I snapped. What prompted me to write this morbid entry is the general fact that things are getting worse.
3 more weeks of school and I can't stand it anymore! This is sick! This is inhumane!
Oh my, I'm really feeling depressed, down and blue. I don't know, this semester does seem worse than the previous.
This is probably cause by my own doing. I keep pushing myself to the edge. I want to get things done properly. It is not just about passing anymore, it is more of a life or death option for me. I want to ace these subjects!
I know I can't do it for all. But at least 3 subjects have to do be As, as I kept mentioning. As are addictive, like a drug. Once you get one, you had to have more and more.
I'm doing this all for myself and the future I want to have. Good grades will mean a higher chance at getting a good job with good pay and than I can get the good life I want. No matter what those naysayers say otherwise, ultimately, in this world, grades and education do mean a great deal.
Sometimes, I just can't help but to wish I could turn back time. Those years in the secondary school were the best, even with the exams and what not. At least, I was truly happy and carefree then.
Now, with all this self-inflicted pressure and pain, I am just surviving and trying to fight alone. I want to get this Poly life over and done with, of course, after making sure I grab as much as I can before I make a run for it.
Ahh, I have all these thoughts swirling in my mind, but I can't seem to put them into words. I think this is enough for the day...
I need to get myself a tub of ice-cream and comfort myself.
Monday, January 18, 2010
MIA the Golden Globes
Where is the showing of 67th Golden Globes Awards ceremony in Singapore?! It is supposed to be held on 17th Jan, USA timing.
I thought that Channel 5 would always show it, as well as the Oscars.. at least I think so.
Oh, but I really do want to see the ceremony...
Argh, where is it? Damnation! It's so unfair.. to have no choice but to rely on an unreliable TV station..
Guess I have no choice but to see the winners online...
The worst thing is I can only see people twitting about the funny moments..
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Things You Do For ... Grades
If I keep this up, I'm on my way to reaching my goals, maybe even much more than I expected.
I got back my 2 mid-semester tests results, A for both. Which means 25% is secured. Furthermore, for Franchising Business, my individual report got an A too. 40% done.
For Communication Skills 2, I had 2 As as of now, still don't the percentage though.
Had an A for the 20% Club and Resort test 1 as well.
These As don't come easy. The amount of effort I put in, the stress levels I had for myself. Nobody but myself is giving me pressure.
Of course, I couldn't have done it without luck and something more.
My aim this time round is at least 3 As and the rest B+ without any Bs. With that, I can push my GPA to 3.7 and above. Would I may...
The race is on to make the rest of the tests and projects and presentations a fulfilling and rewarding one.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Of Sense & Sensibility
Well, despite my other commitments, I managed to find time to catch on my almost non-existence reading.
I must say I'm pleased. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen is my latest conquest in classics.
I admit that I developed an interest in it after knowing that Alan Rickman played one role inside the 1995 adaptation of the book. Furthermore, after reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, I really love the plot.
I had read Persuasion, Emma and tried a few pages of Northanger Abbey, still Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice remain my favourites.
I am, of course, determined to watch most if not all of the TV and movie adaptations, book sequels, fanfictions on both titles.
Right now, I'm making good headway with Sense and Sensibility since I almost finished all of Pride and Prejudice's adaptations and sequels.
First of, the 1995 movie adaptation, directed by Ang Lee, script written by Emma Thompson who also portrayed Elinor in the movie. Not forgetting some of the familiar faces, Hugh Grant as Edward Ferrars, Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon.
5 actors and actresses who starred in the Harry Potter films are also featured in this movie. Imelda Staunton as Mrs Palmer (Umbridge) , Elizabeth Spriggs as Mrs Jennings (Fat Lady), Robert Hardy as Sir John Middleton (Fudge), Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon (Severus Snape) and Emma Thompson as Elinor Dashwood (Prof. Trelawney).
It won numerous awards and nominations in the Oscars and Golden Globes. It's a very lovely adaptation though like most movies, things got shift around and changed.
Secondly, the 2008 BBC mini series of the same title. Since it is not a movie, there is more time for characters development and the love to show. The story slowly play out, which appeals to me. There are more original characters appearing than the movie, again, I assumed because of time constraints.
One thing to note is the lack of familiar faces and stars in this adaptation. Still, fresh faces are kind of good.
And this is where the movie adaptations stop.
Next up, book sequels.
One novel that I really like is Colonel Brandon's Diary by Amanda Grange, who also wrote Mr Darcy's Diary. This novel is from the viewpoint of Colonel Brandon, need I say?

I'm always interested in reading the POV of the other important characters or those I have a soft spot to.
Last but I hope not the least, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Ben H. Winters. This is a parody of the Jane Austen's book. There is another one called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies but I'm not interested in it. Sea Monsters, however, I've more interest in.

I want to acquire this book! But only after my semester end. There are also others that I'm going to buy, however, I must resist the temptation to buy them now.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tough luck, my dears
I warranted it will caused some stir because it's a trip to Japan, but never in my dreams would I thought that in mere minutes when the clock stroked twelve that night, so many people were sending in their particulars.
I heard that over 100 people signed up for the trip but obviously there is only 20 plus spaces available. I was wronged again when I thought they will open up more vacancies to cope with the influx.
To think that they publicise it so much as if nobody will go and strongly encouraged us all to sign up.
I was really surprised that I wasn't offered a space, I mean, I sent my entry in at 12.05am. But, whatever. One of the reasons I expressed interest is because of the company I hope to get. Since, I didn't get it and the number is so high, it's best to let it go.
And surprisingly, I had a call today from the teacher-in-charge. There was a vacancy and she asked if I'm still interested. I told her no.
I still think it's a good experience to have. For the first time to go overseas with the school, with no contract to boot. I can now save up the money and dedicated it to my graduation trip instead. Florida!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Holy crow!
This is tough. It doesn't matter if it's interesting or whatever, because at the end of the day, it's just one giant headache and heartache.
I don't really feel like elaborating on it. I just hope and wish mightily that whatever "we" are doing is on the right track and MY grades are beautiful.
Group projects are heartache in the sense that your ideas may or may not sit well with others, and vice versa. I like to give myself the benefit of doubt. I like to be in control too.
Ultimately, if I don't care enough, my grades may or may not go down the drain. So, really, I shouldn't care that much if I appear more tough than usual, it's MY grades I am concern about, MY future I am relying on. To be selfish is natural.
God only knows how my tolerance level is nowadays. Ah well, all I can say is too bad this isn't an individual project, I can do it my way if it's so. It's 3 more days away then I'll say good riddance to it.
This term has been like a balancing act.
As I get closer to graduation, my stress levels get higher, I get more irritated... Life is a rat race and I want to be in front.
I just have a thought. I think I'm going to set up another blog to put in my precious works in it. Be it for referencing or for the fun of it. Individual projects, ideas, my parts in group projects, etc. Proper disclaimers will be made, of course. This will have to wait till the sucky term ends.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
What should I do?
So, there is a study trip to Japan in this long holidays. I am thinking about whether I want to go or not.
On one hand, I feel like this is too good an opportunity to be missed and I should grab the chance. One the other hand, I will be breaking one of my Golden Rules "Never go on overseas trips that require flying with classmates". I'll probably embarrassed myself...
Gods, the best solution is to, of course, go. But I'm worried about not having any acquaintances on the entire trip. I mean, I took some pretty risky decisions in the past, knowing that I'll be all alone. Don't even get me started on the "fiasco" that was in Sec 2 going on Sec 3.
The opening date is the day after tomorrow. I think I will see what my friends do. It's a stupid idea, to rotate yourself around other's decisions. However, what am I to do?
I'll probably feel better if I'm sure that this year I can have an overseas trip with the family.
If, I happens not to make a decision, I guess I will regret it...
Monday, January 04, 2010
From the past to present
I bet no one is too thrilled about it, be it going to school or back to work. I think that after nearly 2 weeks of hiatus/fun, reality is looking far too gruesome.
Oh my, the last 2 weeks of 2009 has been perfecto. It is the best days of my life. It is like we were making up for not being able to go overseas to spend Christmas. It certainly felt that way. I felt so blessed.
Enough fun and indulgence to last me through the weeks ahead.
Although I'm back to school for a few days on the last week of 2009, it was more relaxing than I thought. My father, who was on leave, drove me to school almost everyday.
I had more shopping done than in years. Shopping almost every week in the month of December. I had pre-Christmas and post-Christmas presents.
On Tuesday 22nd December, I went out with a primary school friend and caught up with each other. On 24th December, I went out for a movie gathering with some Sec 4 friends. The week before, the whole family went out and enjoyed ourselves, as if the weekdays were weekends.
New Year equals new beginning. My father scheduled to take his brand, new car on 31st December. Just in time to usher in the new year. The new car is in medium grey metallic, with a hint of olive green undertone. The colour was chose by us. The new car is slightly more spacious than the old one.
This Christmas, even though we spent it in Singapore, it felt more fun than ever. Or was it because of our expectations? It certainly exceed expectations, in my opinion.
Well, well, is it too early to start counting down to the end of my semester? February is just around the corner, isn't it? By mid-February, I'll be free! Before than, I'm going to be wound tighter than a screw.
It is going to be hectic. I don't need Alice to tell me that. Rushing for project this, project that. Oh goodness...
Indeed, my fantasy world is looking brighter as the moments slip by, reality is just this smack to your face, telling you to wake up.
I feel as if I haven't sort out my priorities, and even if I do, I am not adhering to them. Why am I feeling more relax than what I should be? Despite the new year, I feel I have not changed.
I have such expectations for 2010, since 2009 has been more or less great for me.
Friday, January 01, 2010
We drank a toast to now
Was nearly late for the movie as time was not on our side. We parked our new car at Raffles City and walked that long underpass to Marina Square.
Watched Sherlock Holmes with the whole family and cousin's family. This was my second time watching. The whole theater is full, what else? We were sitting too in front for my taste.
After that, we went for a late dinner at Hans since everywhere else were full with queues. Most of us had black pepper chicken chop since that's all that's left.
With 1 hour plus to spare before the the clock strike twelve, we walked around looking for a place to pass the time. Walked from Marina Square to Suntec City and drank drinks at Gloria's Jean Coffee.
It was about 11.30pm when we started to make our way down to opposite Esplanade at Marina where the firework display was held. You can see groups and groups of people walking the same way, it's almost like going to war.
Found a good spot where there's no buildings and trees blocking. The whole place that went on for metres were chock-full of people; foreign workers, teenagers, families, friends, couples... sitting on steps, on the grass patches, standing...
As the minutes ticked by, the noise got louder. People started giving out false alarms by shouting and whistling. It was rather funny.
No countdown was given since we were not directly at the party itself. The first fireworks splayed out on the clear night sky, almost as if pots of paints were splashed on a canvas. The cheers got to the maximum. Everyone was high. SMSes were sent out in record time.
The night sky was alighted with fireflies and falling stars, SOS signals and bursts of flowers.
Everyone was dazzled and awed by the magnifique display.
Fireworks creation has come a long way. I can still remember the limited colours and display of fireworks that was red, green and yellow of the past.
Now, there are fireworks that changes colours as it rained down. Fireworks that linger in the air for a long time as the sparks slowly fall. Fireworks that represent palm-trees, falling stars and fireflies. Big and small fireworks. Fireworks that literally light up the night. All that's left is the creation of fireworks that have words or numbers.
It can be comparable to Gandalf's fireworks. We joked about how that we can have black fireworks for the morning.
All the hours spent on just 8 minutes of wonder was worth it. Isn't this what most people are looking forward to? Once a year of beauty. The festive spirit was infectious there, after the last fireworks were shot to the sky, people started jumping around, wishing each other Happy New Year. Then, there's when things turned nightmarish.
The crowds went as fast they came. Most people started leaving the area and since barriers were set up, congestion formed. Thankfully, we came by cars, I shuddered to imagine the conditions in the public transportation.
It took us at least 45 minutes to get out of there and backed into our lovely car. We were all sweaty and cranky since the air-cons in the City Link were off. Luckily, there was no frenzy, we will all fall like dominoes if someone were to push.
We said that next year, we shall book a hotel room with a good and comfortable view of the fireworks display. How cool is that?
Reached home, bathed and turned in for the "morning". It was 2am plus when we slept. It was all worth it though. Even though we woke at 11am today and the leaving was tough.
Well, 2010 is here at our doorsteps.
My resolution for the new year is to toughen myself up. I need to maintain my good results. I want to be able to say "Frankly, me dear, I don't give a damn". I want to change, for better or worse.
I wish that 2010 will be so much better than 2009, economy-wise. Comfort-wise, I almost have it all. And that's is enough for now. There are times when I have the cake and eat it too. I have a wonderful family although I get irritated with them at times.
Entertainment-wise, 2010 will be a good year. The Sentosa and Marina IRs will be up, Eclipse and Harry Potter DH part 1 will be scheduled for screening, the grande opening of The wonderful World of Harry Potter theme park in Orlando, Florida, etc. Eeek, I can't wait to go!
I will be doing another post, looking back at the year 2009.
Goodbye to the decade with no name. The "Noughties" as some called it.