Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Class

My classmates were a batch of lively students, especially the guys. My class was the liveliest of the whole Sec 2 Express classes, I think.
When I first met my classmates in Sec 1 (We were in the same class from Sec 1 to 2), I was "disappointed", because in my primary 6 class, the guys were " full of energy and action". But in my Sec 1 class, the guys were quite quiet and well-behaved. I liked my class to be noisy and lively.
However in Sec 2, it changed. The guys were not that "innocent" after all!Even the teachers could see that.
Vulgarities became a common language in my class. Most of the guys and some girls added them when they spoke. I was not very bothered by this.
Anyway, I would to share some incidents that happened in my class.
Every morning, the guys would play soccer in the classroom. One time, the ball hit a window pane and it fell from 4 storeys high. Luckily, it did not hit anyone. One guy was caned. Beside this, 3 out of 4 fans were "damaged".
They also fought. there was one time where 2 guys fought in the toilet after school. Lots of guys in went to see. It was a minor fight. Despite all these incidents, I still "loved" my class.
After The-End-of-Year Exams, they played poker cards, bought MP3s and handphones to school. My friend teached me how to play Black Jack.
My class was quite united. I really enjoyed being together with my classmates.
Take Care:)

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