Monday, May 08, 2006

Exams--part 2

Today's exams were Social Studies and Biology Paper 2. The social studies paper was only 1 hour long. I thought my essay on Northern Ireland is quite alright. I memorised it better than the Sri Lanka.
After that, when all the other students had left, my class had Biology paper. We are the only class taking pure biology. The paper however was not very easy. I can't remember all the points to write in my essays. I am so forgetful, I didn't bring my four-leaf clover to school. I always bring it when I had exams.
Tomorrow is combine Physics. I am not that good in Physics, need to memorise a lot of facts and formulas.
( 4 down, 7 to go)
( 2 days before my birthday)
'good luck'

1 comment:

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