Thursday, September 20, 2007

Prelims--brief 4

Today is the last day of prelims. Yay! But the combined science MCQ was difficult. I finished it barely in time. I spent too much time on the 20 physics questions. I forgot some formulas and so I guessed the answers. "Sighs"
Some of the questions were just testing on details, but this was what caused us marks. We just assumed that we will be able to handle such easy questions that we don't study for it. I already had 5-6 mistakes or answers that I was not sure of.
The chemistry part was manageable. 2-3 questions that I was not sure of. I don't know about the other questions though...
On Thursday, the Biology MCQ was ok. Actually it can be considered easy. I can't even believe it, I was so careless! One question asked about where is the bronchus, of course I know where it is, but I put trachea as the answer. That was so stupid! Then there was another question on whether penicillium is a bacteria or fungi. I just blindly assumed that it is a bacteria.
My carelessness is getting me nowhere. Those questions that I was not sure of, I got them correct, I think, but those easy questions, I can't deal with. What sort of logic is that?
Anyway, this is only the prelims. What matter most is my O levels which is coming in about 5 weeks time. Got to start revising again.
Tomorrow, I have the day off. But on Monday, it will be back to school, mock exams, revisions and collecting the prelims papers! I wanted to get them back but I'm afraid of the scores.

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